
Am I still eating too much?

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I recently seriously reduced the amount of food I eat each day. But my mum is going a bit nuts if I even mention eating anything after lunch.

I weigh roughly 80kg (I think that's around 180 pounds?) and I'm 160cm tall - so yeah, I need to lose some weight.

I didn't list drinks - because I (always) drink only water

I exercise roughly 30-45 minutes a day

This is everything that I ate over the last 2 days:

Day 1:

Day 2:

What I ate on those days is around 1/3 - 1/2 of what I'd normally eat. Is it still too much?




  1. It doesn't look like a lot. It depends on your metabolism and how many calories you eat.

  2. it's not a lot of foood...

    but your eating a lot of carbs and fat.

    switch the yogurt with fruit.

    & the icecream, switch it with something but take it out.

    have a icecream once a week, like make sunday ur icecream day or something. but only if u dont have any that week.

    & change the salami with turkey.

    & for lunch have tuna or grilled chicken or something.

    it's not a lot of food... but it's rlly unhealthy / fatty food.

  3. Its not 2 much but u should eat things will less carbs and fat... dumplings are full of carbs... and ice cream is never good for any diet... and salami is like one of the most fatty lunch meats u can eat... Try eating turkey it has almost no fat.

  4. You are not eating too much. Keep it up. My advice to you is to start chewing on lots of green vegetables instead of meat and rice. Eat lots of lettuce, cucumbers, and salads to keep you full. It's better if you stop eating food that has fat/oil in it.

  5. geez no thats not enough food.  try cutting the carbs and eat colorfully.  like veggies and fruits, they are packed with fat burning nutrients and antioxidents and you can eat more without gaining.  It will help you lose weight.

  6. you should chill out on the yogurt and ice cream.. unless the yogurt is low fat.. yeah and eat more fruits and veges. they hardly have any calories at all and you can eat as much as you want

  7. that isnt very much at all.

  8. Here's how I look at it. When you become more comfortable with your body other people will to. so eat what you want!

  9. It's impossible to really tell from the pictures you gave, but here's how you can tell.  

    First of all, you need to figure out what your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate - also called Basic Metabolic Rate/BMR) is.  You can go to this website and find it out pretty quickly.

    What your RMR is, is an idea of how many calories you would burn if you did nothing but lie down all day.  So if you want to lose weight, you have to make sure that you consume less calories than that through a combination of diet and exercise.  With the information you gave, and guessing you are about 16 years old, your RMR is around 1635 calories a day.  

    So that means, if you want to maintain the weight you're at right now, you need to consume 1635 calories a day.  You can do this through a combination of diet and excercise - so for example, if you ate 2000 calories in a day, but excercised off 465 of them, you would not put on any weight.  

    So now that you know approximatley how many calories your benchmark is, you can work on cutting down your intake through a combination of diet and exercise.  A good rule of thumb is if you consume 500 calories LESS than your RMR each day, you should lose about 1.5-2lbs a week (roughly a kg a week).  

    However, you really don't want to eat less than 1200 calories a day, so try to make sure you are hitting your target of around 1150 calories a day by exercising as well.  

    Use a website like or for free calorie counting.  It's pretty easy to keep a track of what you eat through those websites, and they have a community of users who all support each other too.  


    As for exercising, it is difficult to tell how much good it is doing without knowing what kind of exercise you do and for how long at what intensity.  My suggestion is to buy a heart rate monitor (if you can afford it) and monitor your pulse while you exercise.  this will give you a very good idea of how much you burn.  If you can't afford that, both The Daily Plate and Spark People (URLs above) have calculators to help you work out how many calories you burn for different exercises, but these are a lot less accurate than heart rate monitors.    


    Lastly, I would make sure that the type of exercising you are doing is the right kind.  I have lost 30lbs by doing cardio 4x a week for at least 45minutes, and weight training about 2x a week (I haven't been as good at doing the weights as I should though!).  My favourite is doing an intense cardio class like Spinning at my gym, but that's not an option for everyone.  Try going for a run - with the heart rate monitor you'll be able to see when you're working in 'the zone' and when you're letting yourself slack off.  Try running until you've burned around 350-500 calories per run.  

    anyway, that's what I've learned from my experience in losing weight.  I hope this helps.  I'm sorry I couldn't tell you straight off the bat if what you are doing is the right thing... it's just really  hard to tell from the information you provided.  

  10. you didn't eat too much. you should add more fruits and veggies to your meal plan

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