
Am I too young?!?!?!? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!?

by Guest55936  |  earlier

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I'm 12 and my vision is supposedly 20-20 on the left and 20-30 on the right! Am I too young to wear contacts? Is my eyesight bad? Help! Give me links please!! (i like pink and purple)




  1. No, you're not too young. The real question here is if you yourself is prepared to wear them or not and whether your mum allows you.

    They take a great deal of responsibility - cleaning, washing hands, disinfecting... they must be done in order to avoid infections.

    If you feel ready, talk to your mum who will talk to your optometrist. He/she will then train you on using them and will put you on a trialling period (you get to take home a sample pair) for around a week.

    Good luck! :)

  2. One your eye sight is great! Two My BFF is 12 she wears contacts she says it is better than glasses cause she hated glasses!

  3. no

  4. its not a matter of being too young, its a matter of being responsible. your eyesight is not bad, but if you want them, go right ahead! i just recently got contacts and they're awesome! at first it was frustrating trying to get them in (it took me an hour and a half to get one in my eye) but after practicing for a few days, i can now get them in and out on the first try=]

  5. You should get a monofocle like the Monopoly guy.

  6. you're not too young! i got my contacts when i was eleven.

    But your eyesight's not that to your parents about why you want contacts. i got contacts because I couldn't cook or play sports or anything with my glasses, and I have terrible eyes (2.50 and 4.25 nearsighted, I can't recognize people's faces from three feet away)

    good luck.

  7. you are not to young. I know people who are nine that have contacts. But if your vision is 20/20 in one eye and 20/30 in another, then probably your eyes will adjust to see like the better eye. If you are unsure what to do, go to the school nurse (assuming you aren't home schooled) and ask her opinion.

  8. no ur not too young for contacts...but ur eyes arent bad and u probally dont need them

  9. Your eyesight will change as you get older and your eyes have yet to 'grow' in line with your transition to adulthood. You need to be aware of any changes to your vision. I would seek an opticians advice before wearing contacts at your age. Any website offering contact lenses will require a prescription before selling them. As well as an eyesight test, you should always have a contact lens fitting and have an annual contact lens check up (you go to the appointment wearing your lenses usually). You also ned to be aware of the necessary cleaning and discinfecting routine for contacts.

    If your eyesight isn't that bad and you only need 'help' for looking at the blackboard or reading, I wouldn't advise you to wear contacts. You are better off with a pair of trendy specs that you can slip on and off as you need them.

    If you get the go-ahead and decide to go for soft lenses, please don't wear soft lenses other than occasionally. I wore them everyday from the age of 20 to my early 30's and ended up with blood vessel damage to my eyes. Soft contact lenses deprive your eyes of oxygen. However, gas permeable (hard) lenses allow oxygen to get to the eye and are better for daily or prolonged use. My eyes were too sensitive for them though. Whatever lenses you choose, experience has taught me that whatever opticians say about the prolonged periods that you can wear modern contact lenses, you need to have regular days every week without wearing them to give your eyes a break and to be aware of any changes in your vision.

    If contact lenses are ok for you, you'll need a prescription and contact lens fitting, I would suggest that you talk to your parents and ask them to arrange for you to see an optician/opthamologist and get advice before looking up websites for trendy contacts. You would be wise to buy your first contact lenses from an optician/opthamologist so they can provide follow up checks. Your eyesight is arguably your most precious 'gift'.

    All the best.

  10. I wear contacts when I was ten.  However, I don't think its necessary when your vision is like that.  In my opinion, you should just wait until your evesight gets worse.

  11. i have 20-30 vision. i have glasses that i wear just to see things like the chalkboard or far away stuff like that.  but i can normally see fine.  i think you should just get glasses for now and when your vision gets worse so you have to be wearing glasses at all time then switch to contacts.

  12. No!! lol, my mom began wearing contacts at age 7, she wears them until today.. Please try them, don't be afraid that they will hurt.  Contacts are great, they work fine and you get used to them.

    ♥please choose as best if you can. i need points lol - is it a good answer?

    Hope So !  Ã¢Â™Â¥

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