
Am I weird for this?

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I consider myself to be pretty feminine except I love to use mens body wash when I shower. The scent is much stronger than womens and makes me feel more refreshed. Anyway, people have noticed and think it's odd. One of my co-workers asked me today if I was wearing mens deodorant and when I told her I use mens body wash she said, "That's disgusting. Are you trying to be g*y or something?" I'm not g*y.

GUYS: Are you turned off by girls that smell like guys?

GIRLS: Do you assume a girl is g*y because she smells like a dude?




  1. LOL!!!

    I can honestly say, I've never thought about it.

    I probably wouldn't notice.

  2. Secret actually makes a deoderant called "sport" and its clinical strength so you dont smell. It smells like a mild Old Dad actually used it once lol

  3. i would say no because you are trying to smell good and not smell like body order or something. i would rather have a girl smell like a guy and smell good than smell bad.

  4. No!I mean really,it smells better!!!I use Axe when I go somewhere.I just like it better!

  5. no i wouldnt say g*y because i did that once!! lol ( i had used axe) its just weird!! but hey if you werent weird then you would be like everyone else and how fun is that?

  6. if the wash keeps you goin' & refreshed, keep using it!

    just use a more feminine shampoo/cond. or perfume or something to cover the smell. :]

  7. No, it's completely fine with me.

    I don't assume such things over what body wash someone uses....

    That was silly and inappropriate of your co-worker.....

    Besides, it's not like there is anything wrong with being g*y...

  8. girl! get some lady body wash! your lady parts should smell like a lady not a friggin' dude!

  9. Your co-worker sounds like a real jackass, ahahah.

    You should've told her that you thought SHE was disgusting for using women's deodorant, obviously joking, of course.

    I was at my dad's house and took a shower there, I saw his roomie's body wash for dudes and I used it! omg, it smelled so good and way better than my regular body wash! So I started buying that brand for guys!

    But, no I don't assume a girl is g*y just because she smells like she uses men's body wash.

    Wtf, there are stupid people out there."Oh hey, you smell like a dude, YOU'RE g*y."

    Just, don't listen to the idiots and don't worry about what people think :P.

  10. i do not think there is anything wrong with that at all what so ever and your co-worker is an idiot..i use my husbands if i am out i have even used his deodorant..and no i would never be so ignorant to make such an assumption just because the body wash you use.
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