
Am i Going Crazy???

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I have been having a dream about a man in blue/black/grey clothes almost every day now. I do not think he is a fake person because when i see him i feel like i have seen him before in real life. last night i enterd a shack ( witch is in my yard) in my dream and he was there saying somthing about a stalker. I think he IS a stalker because he apperas in dreams i have had before. Like i had a dream of a death scene where there were dead people. But in stead of doing what i normally did when i had the dream i looked out the window and he was out there walking towards me when i woke up in a cold sweat.

Please Help!!!




  1. You might just be paranoid

  2. Blue indicates liberation from worry and/or help from outside sources.Blue may sometimes symbolize the universal or collective unconscious (as distinct from the individual unconscious). Perhaps the dream is asking you to base your life on intuitions that come from a deep source within your psyche.Blue clothing may symbolize masculinity.

    Black- Unhappiness. A rough road ahead. Something that the dreamer needs to know, in which case it forecasts difficulties to be overcome.Hidden things. Your shadow (an aspect of your personality that is hidden, unknown and/or repressed within your unconscious mind. Black may represent despair or depression. Do you feel depress in your real life? The negative.

    Gray is a rather depressing color; some mystics believe it to be the color of the aura of a prison. Some sources believe it to indicate a slow period in the dreamer’s life, when he or she is merely “marking time.”The colour may represent old age ,depression.

    '' I do not think he is a fake person because when i see him i feel like i have seen him before in real life''

    Thats because he is you..You entering a shack-it means Independent and self-reliant. Simple side of your life. Unconscious aspects that desire to live a simpler life.

    ( witch is in my yard) in my dream and he was there saying somthing about a stalker..

    Is he warning you about a female in your life?

    Alternatively, a witch may be a destructive unconscious force: for example, a repressed part of yourself. In a man's dream a witch may symbolize the negative aspect of the anima. Do you suffer from moodiness and a conviction that nothing can ever come right for you? This may be because you feel in some way let down by your mother. 'the character pf a mansanima is as a rule shaped by his mother". A witch in dreams may therefore represent either the possibilities below. An internal source of wisdom, healing and growth.

    I think he IS a stalker because he apperas in dreams i have had before. When you don't fix the problems in your life or face reality , they will likely show more of themselves in your dream and sometimes it gets worst..So think about whats bother you and compair it to your dream is telling you..

    A window is a rich dream symbol. Its accurate interpretation can lead to awareness and a better understanding of a personal outlook on life. If you are looking through the window, pay close attention to what you are looking at.a scene dealing with an experience or a situation from your past?If you are seeing something familiar, you may be able to perceive the situation in a new way and gain some insight. Some say that a window may represent a time frame.Windows in our houses allow us to see the world on the out side, the windows in our dreams may encourage us to better see the world within ourselves, as well as the world outside.

    '' i looked out the window and he was out there walking towards me when i woke up in a cold sweat.''

    Your dream wants you to face something in your life to overcome something..And only you know the answer to that?

    Dreaming about death is very common and it can be interpreted in many different ways. Death is usually a symbol of some type of closure or end. It implies an end to one thing and a beginning of another. Death dreams usually have positive symbolism. If you are the dead person in your dream, it could imply that you would like to leave all of your worries and struggles behind and begin anew. Dreaming about someone that you care about may express your fear about losing them. Dreaming that one of your parents died may express fear of loss, but it also may be an unconscious valve through which you release anger and other negative feelings. In some cultures dreaming about death and dying is a very good omen that represents longevity and prosperity.The message may be that your old self needs to be left behind. This may mean that you must stop carrying around with you the crippling burden of your past {irrational guilt-feelings and martyrdom complex, or any other negative self-programming}; and, instead, you must open yourself to what the present moment is offering. Alternatively, the "old self" may be old attachments, habits, ambitions, values, goals; in which case the dream is telling you that the only way forward for you lies through giving these up and looking deeper within yourself for better values, etc. {where "better" means more in tune with your real self}.


    I've had reoccuring dreams of the exsorcise..She was my worst nightmare..hard to breath and in sweat,can't move in my dream, and I can't wake up when I know im dreaming..

    Something in the past is haunting you..Learn to accept and forgive..

  3. lol about the stalker joke!:)) anyways, it means that you are afriad that a secret of yours will get out to the wrong person. i know it sounds a bit strange, but it explains the guy. let me tell you why:

    This guy (lets call him tim) is appearing in every dream and that one where you saw dead people(lol 6 cents!) and tim was coming towards you meant that you had a secret (idk maybe in the dream u killed the people who were now dead and they symbolize your secret) and you didn't want to have tim know so you stared freaking out and when you woke up you were in a cold sweat because in the dream you were anxous to get out of there. i try my best to think of why and so i tried. now it is time to see a smile on both of our faces.

  4. Is there someone in your life, locally or online, that you have reason to be suspicious of?  Maybe they seem nice, but down inside, you have this little nagging fear or thought that just MAYBE this person is not good?

    The shack.... did you go in a chat room alone with someone?  Think REALLY hard about this person.  Could he be a predator?

    What do you normally do when you have the dream about the death scene and dead people?  Are there people in your life you would normally spend time with or help, but now you do not because you are spending all your time focused on this new guy?  

    Also, consider whether you have invited an unwelcome spiritual entity into your life by being involved in occult activity or pornography.  This can open the door to some pretty scary stuff.  

    Pray to God to show you where the threat is, who it is, and how you can close that door and shut out the person or thing that is "stalking" you.

    God bless you.


    Tell us more about the death scene.  How did it start?  What  happened?  Do u know the people?

  5. One, two.  Freddy's coming for you

    Three, four.  Better lock your door.

    Five, six.  Grab your crucifix.

    Seven, eight.  Better stay up late.

    Nine, ten.  Never sleep again.

    LOL!  It's Krueger...he changed his clothes!

  6. Many people have unpleasant dreams of being chased and/or stalked. If the dreamer has these issues in her daily life, then the fear experienced during the day may be entering her dream state. However, most people that have a dream about being stalked are not stalked in reality. The dream is symbolic and brings up issues regarding persisting problems or prevailing difficulties. The dream could represent one side of the dreamer's personality attempting to catch up with the other. For example, if the dreamer is doing something hurtful to himself or has a bad habit or addiction, the stalker in the dream may represent that negative part of the dreamer's personality or life. The dream stalker could represent your conscious, a prevailing problem, or a goal that you have been putting off and unable to pursue.
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