
Am i being a baby???

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I got my wisdom teeth out wed morning...and im still laying around on the sofa and its friday not in alot of pain but its still tender and im not eating much so i feel really week...and the pain pills make me feel moms like get up and do just so tired..and im still swollen




  1. Nah, wisdom teeth hurt. Take as much time as you need. As long as it makes you feel better. Cheers!

  2. Nope

  3. No you are not being a just had surgery...your mom shouldn't pressure you to do anything you don't feel like doing. when I got mine out I was outta school for a week. Rest while you can

  4. ... You bore me.

    *listens to Ride the Lightning by Metallica*

  5. Sounds like you just need another day.

    I was up and doing things the next day after I got mine out.

    p.s.  You feel really WEAK, not week :)

  6. not really just tell her ur meds r making u lazy and u still hve slit pain

  7. it was almost two weeks before i felt normal again

  8. Start doing little're on the computer :) that's a start. Get dressed too,it will help you feel better. And start cutting back on the pain meds(try half). Your mom probaly wants to help take your mind off the pain. I had minor gum surgery. Hurts like crazy. Hope you feel better soon.

  9. Maybe you should take some advil instead of the pain pills, and try eating some soft foods like ice cream... might help you feel a little better.  

  10. The pain pills will make you tired and less likely to eat.  It was not major surgery, so by tomorrow get up and shower and see how you feel.  

  11. You're not being a baby.  Explain to your mom that you are still not feeling well.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  12. No.  You're not being a baby.  Just explain to your mother that you're extremely tired and that you're still swollen.  Take a nap.

  13. Nope getting them out hurt. I would be laying around too if i was you. You will get more active when you feel up to it. Really it isnt any different than being sick. Ya know you do the same thing...lay around and be lazy and dont really have an appitite. And alot of it is the pills im sure once you are off of them then you will feel normal again and wonder how you could sleep that much! Good luck! But you will be glad you got em out once the pain goes away...I always thought will the pain ever go away! But sooner or later usually later the pain goes away and before you know it you are back to yourself !

  14. dude sack up i had mine out and 2 days later was back at football practice

  15. Oh my gosh no!!

    I got mine out a few weeks ago!! Its terrible  I thought I was all tough and went 2 days without the vicodin, but then I took some and it made it sooo much better.  you shouldn't get up and do something, your body underwent SURGERY, and she needs to understand that.  You aren't supposed to excercise or heavy lifting or standing for long periods of time even that soon after!! I lifted up my little cousin a week later and I got dizzy and had to sit down.  And I'm a strong and robust young woman!! (16)

    You should be eating more, thats one thing that helped me.  Try getting some peaches, if you like them, and trying those.  If you don't like peaches, at least be getting some soup or broth down.  Mashed potatos are good, and if no one can make them, they sell them at a lot of fast food stores now.  drink a lot of fluids if eating is still difficult, but It really is a good idea to feed your body so it can make the new cells to make up for the ones it lost.  If you don't eat soon your white blood cell count will go down and you can get an infection at the area or a general cold that would be much worse

    Best of luck, i know how much it sucks!
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