
Am i irish or scots irish?

by  |  earlier

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just saw this thing on history channel that proves im not scots irish, im 90% irish by math, have one scot ancestor, so does that make me scots irish/.........hist channel says scots irish are displaced scots who settled in ireland, but that s not me, my ancestors were irish, with one ggmother marrying a what am I?




  1. Well, techincally your are 90% Irish with at least one Scot.  So you are probably as Irish as any Irish can be.  The Scot Irish are Scots that lived in the Ulster area of Ireland for a time before they imigrated to America. Good wiki Article on it here and probably what you heard on the history channel.

  2. You're American. Deal with it.

  3. If you were born in America you are an American

  4. If you are born in America you are American. That is unless you have the right to claim Irish or Scottish citizenship in which case you could claim this & have dual citizenship & be American & something else. Only Dual citizenship is allowed however, if you wanted to & were eligiable to become Scottish & Irish then you would have to resind American citizenship.

    You could refer to your self to be of heritage of another country but that does not chance the fact you are American.

    Another ansewer had some comments that your religion would have some bearing on wheather you are Irish decent or Scottish. Has completly nothing to do wit anything, they have Catholics in Scotland & we have Protestants in Ireland.

  5. To answer this question you have to ask yourself one question:

    Where were you born?

  6. the better Irish or protestant Irish? " if protestant, then you're Scotch Irish. If catholic, you're Irish...

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