
Am i just paranoid or wat?

by  |  earlier

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all of these symptoms come and go none have been persistant except pain in my back. my symptoms include dizziness, cramp like pains in my testicles, fever, sharp chills in my spine, cloudy urine, dark urine, pain in my urethera, sweating, sudden numbness, and headaches on the left side directly above my temple. Remember these come and go quickly. does this describe anything?




  1. sound like a UTI . I would go in and see your Dr. to get on antibotics ASAP. UTI (urinary tract infection) include these symptoms

    Pain or burning when you urinate.

    An urge to urinate frequently but usually passing only small amounts of urine.

    Dribbling (inability to control urine release).

    Pain or a feeling of heaviness in your lower abdomen.

    Reddish or pinkish urine.

    Foul-smelling urine.

    Cloudy urine.

    Pain in your back just below the rib cage, on one side of your body  

  2. This describes a lot - have you talked to a doc?

    Please answer mine...;...

  3. If Ihad to answer this is exactly what I'd say...

    and I quote...

    by cinnea  

    "Fever is generally a sign of infection, causing the dizziness, headache, sweating, and chills. Dark or cloudy urine with pain points to a urinary tract infection or bladder or kidney infection, which if left untreated could be causing your other symptoms, especially the pain in your back and testicles. Please go to your local urgent care center or emergency room for an exam and treatment. I wouldn't even wait to see your regular doctor."

  4. Go get checked and see if you have a bladder or kidney infection.  Start drinking lots of water or cranberry juice until you can see the doctor.  

  5. what do we know. see a doctor so he/she can run tests.

  6. Sounds like t******e cancer.  

  7. PLEASE go to a doctor. It COULD be prostatitus, as this covers most of your symptoms. Prostatitis is inflammation or infection of the prostate gland. The reason I say it might be prostatitus is because the symptoms of this are: -Fever and chills

                                    -Flu-like symptoms

                                     Pain in the prostate gland, lower back or groin

                                    -Urinary problems (blood tinged urine, increased urgency or frequency,  difficulty or pain when urinating or inability to empty your bladder)

    I wish I could explain the headaches though. It may be something unrelated but I'm begging you, for the sake of your health to get it checked out. Please do it as soon as possible :) I hope this helped :D :D :D

  8. Oh my maybe a kidney problem. See a doctor soon. I have had some of those symptoms and I had an awful bladder infection! But I haven't had the t******e part.

  9. oh GOD. dont listen to anyone telling you you have a deadly disease. it honestly sounds like something like an infection whether it be a uti or an std. the only way to solve your problem is to see the doctor. the sooner you go the better. the back pain and headaches are puzzling but its probably all connected. just take care or yourself and see the doc. they'll have you back to normal in no time.

  10. Fever is generally a sign of infection, causing the dizziness, headache, sweating, and chills. Dark or cloudy urine with pain points to a urinary tract infection or bladder or kidney infection, which if left untreated could be causing your other symptoms, especially the pain in your back and testicles. Please go to your local urgent care center or emergency room for an exam and treatment. I wouldn't even wait to see your regular doctor.

  11. Tumor? i dont know it could be cancer too...

  12. Dude see a doctor seriously that could get serious, one of my m8s had kind of the same symptoms nd he had bad kidney stones. Although you have so many symptoms and im sorry to say it but it could be some kind of threatning infection or even cancer. but take everyones advice and see a doctor.

  13. Dude go to a Doctor PRONTO!!!

  14. You should probably see a doctor...

  15. I think you should see a doctor

  16. Get to the Dr.  Immediately

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