
Am i mentally retared?

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ok im bad at math cuz im lazy and i hate it in english too.

does that mean im a r****d am in regular classes please tell me people at school call me r****d please tell me?




  1. Yeah dude if the other kids at school are calling you retarded that means you most likely are. Nobody can diagnose mental retardation better than middle school children.

  2. i cannot say for sure whether or not you're mentally retarded, but perhaps you could go and have yourself assessed.

    however, being bad at math and hating english does not mean that you are MR. you did mention that you're bad at math because 'you're lazy', so doesn't that provide an explanation?

    HATING english is different from not being able to do it because you're MR. if you don't score well, perhaps it is because of your dislike for the subject.

    name-calling is another matter altogether. thats why its referred to as "name calling" - because they call you things that you're not. ignore what your schoolmates call you, they're not licensed psychiatrists.

    another possibility is that you might have dyslexia, which is not a mental retardation but a learning disability. i do suggest that you consult a GP and ask them to recommend a psychiatrist or someone to assess you.

  3. No.

    i suck at math too but my english is ok.

    You arn't retarted, study hard and prove you arn't. (:

  4. No, you aren't mentally retarded. To be classified MR, you need to have an IQ of less than 70.

    Don't listen to the kids at school - everyone is called names throughout gradeschool. Instead of MR, you might be slight ADD. I would get tested and see what the results are.

  5. No , there is nothing wrong with you. You just sound to be lacking motivation. Perhaps if you stopped being lazy and put a little more effort into your school work people would stop calling you nasty names.

  6. at least you still cool...


  8. Are you lazy or do you avoid doing the work because you have a hard time with it? Just because somebody calls you retarded doesn't mean you are. They are labeling you because you don't do the work. You really need to talk to your parents or school guidance counsellor and try to help yourself. Being cool with the in crowd now isn't going to pay your bills when you get older.

  9. Asking if you are mentally retarded, first discuss it with your parents so that you could let them have you assessed. Your parents as well as your educator knows what to be done. Maybe you are special but not a mentally retarded, I suppose.

  10. Intelligence tests would have to be done to know.

    Retarded means handicapped. If you are refusing to show you do have mental capabilities they could be labeling you for this. It may be better to say you are socially retarded? Refusing to be normal.

    Have you ever seen the movie "To Sir With Love"? Perhaps you should.

    If you don't want to be called mentally retarded, then work and prove that you are not!
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