
Am i pregnant or just late?

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last time i got my period was July 4, as of right now i am feeling bloated, i have MILD cramps, no signs of a period....(like spotting) i have fatigue, head aches, clear discharge. i took a pregnancy test "First Responce" but there was not enough urine. so i dont have results. i went to the doctor last week because i had FREQUENT urination, the doctor took a urine sample (for infection) and said it looked fine. so after all the i pregnant?




  1. Take another test.  I tested negative the first time and for some reason I just I tested again and sure enough it was positive.  Drink plenty of water for a good urine sample (and for your health)

  2. I would just go get a norther test it dose sound like you could be pregnant.  Good luck hun!

  3. I would go to the dollar store and buy a pregnancy test the sensitivity is usually like 25mIU/mL for theirs, depending on which first response test you took it might have had a sensitivity of 100mIU/mL which could give you a negative because their might not be enought of the pregnancy hormone in your system

  4. im a virgin and some times my periods are like that one time i went 3 months with out one which is bad cause im 16 but you could be prego or just have a messed up period i would take another test just to be on the safe side  

  5. not enough facts.   How old?  Did you have unprotected s*x?  are you an athlete?

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