
Am i pushing him too far?

by  |  earlier

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I have a friend who is a guy at first i had a crush on him and told him that i would like to go out with him but he said he was intereted with some one else so i gave up and thought we should just stick to being friends. so we chat and sometimes he acts like he wants more then friendship then he puts down to just kidding around, then he sometimes ignores me or doesnt want to talk to me the way friends do and when i tell him he is acting strange we start arguing ,I mean i reach a point when i get really emotional where as he says anything i say or do doesnt bother him am i the only one who wants this friendship or does he think am using this as a method of going out with him i mean he can really be moody




  1. It sounds to me like he is flattered that you like him and can't help but playing on it. He obviously likes you but not enough to go out with you. I would distant yourself from this guy, as you need to find someone who can care for you properly and not use you like this guy does.  

  2. Get rid.

  3. let him get on with it...leave him be x*x

  4. You are the best person to judge him.

    Because nature differs from person to person.

  5. He enjoys the attention u r giving. Stop it or else u will be hurt.

  6. kick him to the curb he is using you as a plaything, and this relationship will only cause you heartache  

  7. He is stringing you along, give him a taste of his own medicine.

    You go girl.

  8. You should give up on him...maybe there is a friend good more than he can also find anyone that you can share you problem not just a guy!!!....

  9. he probably likes the fact that you like him, so he's stringing you along just for the attention. or he's confused and is trying to work out how he feels about you

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