
Am i to fat?????????

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hey I'm just a kid I'm 11 years old I'm 4 feet 11 inches I'm pretty sure and I'm 115 pounds but i mean it doesn't look like I'm to fat but I'm also not to strong either so you think I'm fat???




  1. lol

  2. no

  3. Without actually seeing you, it is hard to say.  I would think at that height, considering your age, you are FINE!  You are right to be aware of your weight, as there are so many children that are overweight, but give yourself some time to mature.  If you are active, that weight is probably right on.  If you are worried about it, just stay active and be careful about "junk food" and you should be fine.  Good luck.  

  4. I think you are way to young to worry about ur weight ur only 11 years old u should be worried about school and ur future !!

  5. Definitely not. You're an average size.

  6. Honestly, don't worry about your weight. Your weight for your age and height is average, perfect weight!
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