
Am i wierd??

by  |  earlier

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because im a girl who knows how to arm toot (my cousin made me learn)




  1. Absolutely youre not... I also know how to do it... enjoy...

  2. NO....can you teach me how?? I'm a chic and I am jealous!!

  3. haha no! that is funny

  4. Lol, no! I'm actually jealous! I've always wanted to learn how to do that!~

  5. U tink dat wud make u weird? (and i hate the word "toot")

  6. Having knowlege or skill does not make one weird.

    Lacking the wisdom to know when to apply that skill makes one weird.

  7. you are eccentricly cool..there is a talent there..hone it!

  8. lol no that's.... special.

  9. Not really

    a lot of people do that

    its funny while your young

    go ahead and do what you want to

    cuz i'm 17 and every time i mess around people are always saying you should act more serious

  10. NO..its a talent and doesnt make you any less a girl!

  11. no

  12. i used to

  13. where did Apollo Justice go???

  14. Ummm, no...?

  15. i know how too
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