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I bought and potted an Amaryllis bulb last year. Anybody know whats the best way to get it to flower again?




  1. Has it flowered before?  I'm assuming it has, so after it flowers, keep watering it every few days for about a month or two then let the leaves die back.  Once they have trim them off and let the bulb rest for a while without watering.  You can take it out of the pot if you want and after a few months when you'd like it to flower again, just replant it in good draining soil in the same size pot as before, and start watering again every few days.  Maybe give it a feed at first to kick start growth.  You should soon start to see the green shoots of new leaves and buds start in the middle of the bulb again.  It will happen quickly after the beginning of watering. That's all I do, no need for fancy faffing about and I never have any bother with it.

    They are very easy plants to care for and their blooms are big and gorgeous!  Enjoy!  :)

    Hope this helps.

  2. After-Flowering. After the amaryllis has stopped flowering, it can be made to flower again.  Cut the old flowers from the stem after flowering, and when the stem starts to sag, cut it back to the top of the bulb.

    Leaf Growth and Development. Continue to water and fertilize as normal all summer, or for at least 5-6 months, allowing the leaves to fully develop and grow. When the leaves begin to yellow, which normally occurs in the early fall, cut the leaves back to about 2 inches from the top of the bulb and remove the bulb from the soil.

    Bulb Storage. Clean the bulb and place it in a cool (40-50 deg. F), dark place such as the crisper of your refrigerator for a minimum of 6 weeks. Caution: Do not store amaryllis bulbs in a refrigerator that contains apples, this will sterilize the bulbs. Store the bulbs for a minimum of 6 weeks.

    Plant Again. After 6 weeks you may remove bulbs whenever you would like to plant them. Plant bulbs 8 weeks before you would like them to bloom
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