
America seems evil do you agree?

by  |  earlier

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I was not using YouTube as my source by the way, this was originally supposed to be for fun, to see what people think. lol. your comments are hilarious. but there is one video i saw not too long ago where a man pretended to be an Ex-Area51 employee on a radio show but although it was just a joke somebody I dont know who or what cut them off and the radio lost it's satellite feed for a while until they had to use a back up system. maybe that will spice up the comments :)




  1. Nope, don't agree.

    You use "America"  but your questions seem to show that you mean the US Federal government in the first case, and then something else in the second question.   I also take exception to a statement like "America is really religious".  What does that mean?  Most Americans believe in a higher being?  If so, so what?  Since we allow any form of belief, if would be quite a chore to try to "control"  Americans with religion.. We just don't have a "one size fits all" system here.    

    The government is not the same thing as "America" and never has been.

    The government is just a tool we have for trying to stay coordinated as a country.  It doesn't always work exactly the way we like, but its the best we've come up with so far.  The point is - we have the chance and the power to change it.  It takes time,but we can do it.  

  2. well.. america seems to have a lot of secrets..but dont beleive youtube it may not be true.

    i just hope its not another deadly bomb

  3. The sooner you realize that nothing is as it seems, and nothing is within your control...the better off you'll be. Know that there are forces beyond your control. You can discover them, you can be curious of them, you can talk about them, however there is no sense in getting riled up....because you can't change them. It tis' what it tis'. Our lives are frittered away by detail...simplify, simplify. When it comes to Government conspiracy theories...ignorance is bliss. Corruption has plagued our Government since the birth of this nation, and that is the ONLY truth.  

  4. I agree but not evil no, its governments evil, almost to the point of it becoming a dictated society, the conspiraces of 911 make more sense than the terrorists...everyones seen loose change, and if not i recommend it.

    America is very much controlled by religion, i lived there for 3 years and got sucked into it within a week, was made to go to church, but now back in england am atheist.

  5. yea totally all the money that goes to foreign aid and charity .. its all a distraction while we blow up the earth...

    .. as to ur theory of religion .. wouldnt we all have to believe the same religion for that to work??? using utube as ur reference for uncovering government plots .. way to research

  6. If by America you mean George Bush, yes.

    If by George Bush you mean Christians, h**l yeah you're on the right track there.

    If by Christians you mean religion in general, yeah but no but yeah but no but yeah

  7. Yep the fact that Americans donate more to charity than any other country in the world... probably part of the evil plan.

  8. i think you have a wild imagination and a little too much free time.

    its a dangerous combination, you know.

    answer mine?

  9. To answer your question about Area 51.

    See that black van that just pulled up outside your house?

    Go and identify yourself to the little grey guy in the back and all will be revealed.

    Oh, and don't worry about that strange echo that just started when you use your phone, it's just your imagination.

    Now answer the door, your pizza is here.

  10. No I don't agree.

    If 9/11 was a conspiracy,where is the proof?

    All I see are lame youtube videos trying to say the buildings fell "funny"  or some other lame ****. I don't like the president,but I hardly doubt he is capable of running planes into the twin towers and killing millions of people and then covering it up.

    You're pulling things out of your ***.  

  11. There would have to be a lot more people who believed in religion for your theory to work.

    As far as aliens goes, I am not so sure that any have been found, but if they have, I don't think anything sinister would come of it.

    Mainly the interest would be scientific anyway and if anything new was discovered it would be used for the benefit of Americans and/or defense first.

  12. No, just the people are weird :|

    Stuff on youtube doesnt define what america is./

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