
America vs. England?

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don't worry, im not starting a war over Yahoo

i was just wondering, for those who have moved from UK to the US, how different is it really?

is the culture shock that big?

I'd love to move there one day!

or perhaps go to uni over there

what age dyou start uni/college in America

& what dyou need in terms of qualifications, A levels?

any help or info will be appreciated!





  1. most people start college here at 18 or 19 years and there are lots of veriables in getting into college. You have to have like a 3.0 GPA for most 4 year colleges, you also have to have like a 820 on your SAT test. Most American's go to a community college until they have the credit to switch to a 4 year. And some just go to a community college and don't go to a university.

  2. Here people usually start college at 18 or 19, For qualifications, it really depends on which university you want to go to.

    Usually it's based on grades, good grades will get you in faster. It goes off of G.P.A (Grade Point Average)

    4.0 is a's

    3.5 is a's and b's

    3.0 is b's

    2.5 is b's and c's

    2.0 is c's

    1.5  well you probably won't get in with that.

    As for culture shock.

    I don't really know, I was born and raised here. But I've known a few People who have moved from the U.K.  and they seemed to adjust fine. You might run into some real @ss holes, but just keep in mind, they probably don't have many friends.

  3. I've met plenty of people from England and western Europe in general here, and they all seem to adjust fine.

    You're not really expected to conform to meet anyone's standards in the U.S.......this is how I felt when I went to England a few years back.

    The attitudes of the people are a bit more laid-back here too, compared to England. (again, just from experience)

    And you won't be on camera 50 times a day!

    The only time I've heard of culture-shock from UK people, is when they visit southern states because it's very different. A lot of people in southern states are bible crazy, and everything is all about god for a lot of them. Life also tends to move much slower down there too. You'll see what I mean if you ever visit some of those states.

    Florida might be an exception because it's very touristy.

    People usually start college/university here at 18 or 19. I believe you would need to take the SAT test to see where you stand academically. You could talk to anyone at the "admissions" office of any college or university to help you figure out exactly what you'd need to do.

    Good luck in what ever you decide to do!
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