
American Hero vs. Jukebox Hero?

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Is there really any decision to make? Barrack Obama has virtually no experience. What Gives




  1. M C C A I N  ! ! ! !

    Obama sucks, he better go back to Chicago!

  2. Yes, he's a joke

    He has never run anything or brought change his whole life.  His supporters are deluded

    McCAIN 08

  3. Barack is all presentation and no substance.  Sure I get the jitters when I hear the man speak, he knows how to talk to people when the camera is rolling.  But turn the teleprompters off and hes an empty vessel.

  4. Obama actually going to help the people. I'm from Hawaii, republicans know how to mess up things and we need to fix the economy. Elect a Dem. McCain/Palin doesn't really think for the people of all race and culture. Am I a racist? I guess if I change my skin from yellow to white I can be in the Klan. White Klan Spirit help

  5. U underestimate the stupidity of americans. Thse are the same people who elected GWB twice adn Jimmy carter once! People of america will not let this stupidity tag go away so easily, they will elect the demagougue, THE ONE

  6. John McCain definitely was a hero because he was a Prisoner of War in Vietnam, stuck there for years.  Unfortunately, now he has sort of become a POW in Iraq as well, again its been for years.  Praise the man!!!

  7. Standing in the rain, with his head hung low

    Couldnt get a ticket, it was a sold out show...

  8. Obama may have no experience or trustworthiness but he is charismatic and that seems to be enough to pull in politically ignorant Americans.

  9. Dont you know ?, he's a black muslim with dirt all over him enough to spread over four politicians and ruin America in the process. Please join the anarchist and brain doning kids and racist blacks to elect him.

  10. Well it goes to show you to many people watch tv don't do there homework are not fair are mind screwed bye friggin celebrities It's unreal look at New York state a big time dem infested mess or better yet live here High property tax they take state tax out of our paychecks or Governor screws hookers and used our tax money to do it our new Governor tells us that he screwed around on his wife  pay the most for electricity evan though most of it is produced in upstate where I live go ahead vote another dem in please do your homework and stop listening to a bunch unfair morons..  

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