
American government and military

by Guest61708  |  earlier

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of everything that our government and military do.

what percent do you think we know of.

and does it worry you that they might be doing things we wouldn't approve of? or make you feel more secure that our country has such technology and ideas?




  1. I was in the Army Security Agency/Intelligence and Security Command (ASA/ISNCOM) back in the 70's. Things happened at that time that the general population didn't hear about mostly because it was considered "saber rattling". Seriously, there's stuff going on right now that you definately do not want to hear about. If you did, you'd be buying up everything from the army surplus store. Truthfully, it ain't as bad as all that. sit back on the couch, grap a cold beer and finish the NASCAR race.

  2. ive been thinking about that a lot recently.

    i mean, you can talk to some people who get so scared about the government secretly doing a bunch of c**p and moving towards communism and gaining too much control and so on...

    but i have to wonder, if all that is going on, would it be better not to even know?  i mean, i know thats kind of passive and lazy, but i hate worrying about things almost more than dealing with them once they happen.  

    plus--im interested to hear yor answer to this question.  you seem like you have an opinion.

    btw--im not butt kissing, i could care less about yahoo points.  haha.

    yeah...what did you think of ron paul?  i felt like, if government control was a serious threat, he was our only way to really fix it.  except i guess there's always 4 years from now, somebody with a brain might come along...

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