
American hockey fans?

by Guest61728  |  earlier

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there seems to be a large growing amount of hockey fans in america, im canadian so i been watching hockey since i was born and played since i was 4..i just wanna know what made american hockey fans like hockey?? thats a question to all american hockey fans




  1. I'm not a hockey fan, I'm a Wings fan

  2. Americans only pay attention to what they are fed on the TV.

    If the NHL isn't getting alot of TV exposure in the US then they won't even know it exists.

    Gary Bettman is an idiot and would have more financial success with teams in Winnipeg, Quebec City, Halifax, Hamilton, etc than most of the American cities that have been awarded franchises in the last couple decades.  

    Fighting should be part of the game.  Americans love the fights, just as we Canadians do.  Take away the instigater rule and more will watch.

    Players like Ovechkin and Crosby will be great ambassadors for our game.

    Personally, I couldn't care less about the teams in the south and western US.  It's unfortunate to see teams like Pittsburg and Buffalo struggle.  I am glad that Minnesota got their team back.

    The places where hockey has been a tradition and remains a tradition is where the teams should be.  If a market without a team seems desperate enough for a team then they should get it, they shouldn't force a team into a market that doesn't know anything about hockey and doesn't desire a team.  This isn't roller-derby.

    Look how badly we had to kiss *** to get our NBA team.  We had Pro-line betting on NBA games in Ontario and we had to get rid of that just to get our team.  And then we had restrictions against us in the draft that never happened to other expansion teams....which helped see the Vancouver Grizzlies fail and the Raptors go through alot of dark years.  Gary Bettman has wrecked the value of NHL franchises.

  3. Steve Yzerman.

  4. Well a couple of years ago i was flipping channels on the tv and saw the stanley cup finals between the hurricanes and oilers. So when i started to watch it, i loved it. So next season came along and i have watched as many games as i can. I just love the intensity, the speed, and the skill. I don't like any other sports and people are usually surprised to here that i am completely obsessed with hockey.

  5. My old man showed me the game and I have been watching and following ever since.  Greatest game on earth...period

  6. I'm a US Citizen + passionate fan / player of this great game. I've also spoken French since birth and continue to do so. While hockey is not a part of American culture on a national basis, those who love it often love it with a passion. If you wanna hate me for being a Francophone, well that's nothing I haven't heard before. My co-regulars know I support Canada because its many ethnic and/or linguistic minorities can often retain it in without complete assimilation - contrary to how it is for many groups in the States.

    So as the McKenzie brothers said : "Take off you hoser!" (sticks out his tongue a la Michael Jordan)

    Apology denied. You only worsened my opinion of you by hating the CH, a team I've rooted for so long Gretzky was still on the Oilers ..

  7. cuse its fun at watch more than any other sport and its even funner to play yayy!!! tons of fun (america is the top spot for g**s )

  8. I like the pace and skill of hockey.  Baseball is too boring and football is great.  But when I see Crosby skating through several players its amazing to watch.  The saves, the goals, except for some of the rules hockey is great.  Why more americans are not into it, is a mystery.  One thing hockey needs is better coverage versus and nbc are not cutting it.  Case in point NBC took off a hockey playoff game in overtime to go to horse racing pre-talk.  Now if that is not messed up, I don't know what is.  I for one think the nhl network should eb part of the cable tv.  So if people want to watch hockey they will at least be able to frequently.

  9. Why is it any different then a Canadian that grew up with Hockey. My dad got it from his dad, and passed it down to me, and I'll pass it down to someone, we like it for the same reasons that you do...?

  10. Being from Detroit we have had some good local kids make their way into the NHL. I have loved hockey from when I was a little kid (I am 40 something) and we had a few rinks and the winter pond hockey plus what could be better on a saturday night than watching Don Cherry spout off and get 2 hockey games on CBC. I cant really speak for the non Original 6 cities and why hockey has grown there but I know several freinds that have moved south (jobs and weather) and still have that thirst for hockey (Florida actually has a surprising number of local rinks) so I think a lot of southern cities might enjoy the influx of "northerners" ( and plenty of Canadiens retire to southern cities as well....that cant hurt). Plus I think a lot of "fans" have just grown tired of how bad NBA basketball has gotten and many still needed a winter sport fix. And I also think that as hockey gained some exposure in the states a lot of people became fascinated by the speed and pace of the game (even though most of them have no clue where the puck is most of the time). Personally I guess I could have been Canadien myself....always loved and pretty much always played hockey (thank goodness for over 40 leagues....the old legs cant keep up with the "kids").

  11. I became a fan when the baseball players went on strike in the 90s.  I've been hooked ever since.

    NHL = speed, skill and cool fights, and classy men.

    NBA= thugs and drugs and effing whiner pants Kobe.

    NFL= it's ok

    MLB= steriods ruined the did the strike

  12. Im American and Ive been watching hockey since I was 6. A lot fo it si due to the fact that basketball bores me to tears and I don't have the patience for a football game with all the stop and go. Hockey is just more my speed.

  13. I have been watching it all my life (29 Years) I think its hard for some to understand and follow since they play such a long season. I love it though....

  14. To be honest, it all started for me when the Mighty Ducks movie came out. After that, a bunch of California kids bought skates and played street hockey. Shortly after that, roller hockey took off out here, and from great roller players com decent ice players. Think about it, every kid that grew up watching those movies now has enough money to buy ice gear. That's my California prospective anyway.

  15. I first started watching hockey in 1967 when it was on CBS after the expansion and I had just turned 6.  My dad, who didn't play but was a fan, would sit down and explain the game to me.  Two years later, he took me to a Rangers game @MSG against the Seals. (money was always tight, so this was a real treat!) After seeing it live, I was hooked. Got my first hockey stick too, even though my dad bought me a left  hand shot, and I shot righty. Developed a good backhand anyway,lol.

  16. well us americans hate hockey

    but i love it


  17. Michigan is like Canada I guess, everyone here loves hockey. It was just natural for me to love it too.

  18. I cannot tell a lie.

    I was on the Flyers bandwagon after they won their first Stanley Cup in 1974, followed them to the one after that, and have tolerated the 32 Cup-less "losing" seasons since.

  19. I'm American and I love the hockey. I guess I love it because my dad always watched it. Unfortunately, I didn't start playing till I was 14 (too late).

    I wore Flyers jerseys all the time to school along with a hat and eventually some kids started watching the games. Then when the playoffs rolled around and the Flyers beat the Caps and Montreal (sorry to offend you IF you are a MTL fan) everyone started talking to me about them. So I guess when a team does well some people jump on the bandwagon or they can like it from knowing a hockey nut.

  20. I grew up watching hockey with my Grandpa. With him it was hockey and roller derby. We moved to Florida when I was 5. I grew up down here. I learned to skate thanks to a best friend and her Mom. Both figure skaters. But Thanks to Grandpa. I wanted to play hockey. They told me no, because I was a girl. Well things changed years later. South Florida where I am got an NHL team, that we love. I was finally given the opportunity to play and Now I play house and travel. There are many more people down here that Grew up watching and now have a team to support. So it is growing like the weeds in the grass here. But It is all Thanks to Grandpa for me. Without him I would not be a fan or player of this great sport

  21. I was attracted to the speed and flow of the game.  I was only eight years old when I realized how fast and smooth the game flowed.  Other sports stop and start every few seconds or minutes.  Hockey can flow for minutes at a time without a whistle.  It amazed me, and still does, how sometimes the smallest effort by one player can make the biggest difference in the game.  It is one sport that you can play angry, and not be penalized if you play smart.  It actually takes brains to play the game well.

  22. my dad grew up watching it and then got me into it as well
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