What is your opinion on the American media? Is it one-sided? Does it speak the truth or does it show people what they want to see? I can give an example.I am from India and I came to the U.S About 2 months ago.Maybe it's just me but I realized the media, especially cnn and fox news, is very one-sided whenever they show India on the news. It's all about poverty, the slums, under development, violence in the villages, etc etc. When was the last time cnn showed the other side of the country? When do they show the 420 million middle class or 100,000 millionaires? When do they mention anything positive about the country? 350 million English speakers, leading in pharmaceuticals and growing in the Information technology, information systems sector along with car manufacturing.I also realized that the media is really negative when portraying the Black society...When a black man commits a crime it becomes a big deal, but when a white man commits a crime not much is mentioned