
American society very individualistic?

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On my evening stroll today I was thinking about why universal health care is so hated by many Americans. I came to a theory that states Americans live in a culture that promotes individualism and detests something like UCH as "socialist". Do you think American culture/society promotes individualism over group interests?




  1. people in countries that have universal healthcare have to wait an average of 3 or more weeks to see the doctor for even the minorist of problems. also people who make a descent living will probably get worse healthcare than they were getting before. and if u dont have the money for medical care, by law doctors have to treat u, so i think the system we have now is pretty good as it is. if we get rid of the extreme inflation the price will go down anyway. it will also increase taxes worsening the economy and the medical field in general

  2. Yes.  Individualism is an integral part of American life.

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