
Americans What Do You Think???????

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Of The Afghanistan War?

Do you think we are responsible for the mess created there?




  1. The united states, well we make mistakes all the time. We go into other countries and tell them how to live, what they should have or not to have, we have been doing this for years. We are the ones who put the Taliban in power. Have you ever heard of the war between the Taliban and the Russians, we provide the artillery to the taliban to take out the Russians. Yeah now we know, why we are hated by so many.

  2. I think that the war hungry greedy oil tycoons are responsible for the war. An entire country cannot be blamed for the actions of the few.  

  3. Afgan had to get what was coming to them after they took down our World Trade Center....

    The Taliban and the Afgan Gov't was on in the same.

    Notice, that it's 8 years and the Muslims know they're getting another a$$ whipping if they try to touch American soil again....  

  4. YANK

  5. The Afghan war is much more international than Iraq. And it is a mess but lots of people in the mix of who is responsible.

  6. uh no george bush is both of them. It is well known that  W wanted to invade irag and get hussien and finish what his father could not. The X is correct though the american military trained the iranians and iraqis to ward off the russians in which would later branch off into the taliban ond other militeristic rebels. The USA has this inability to just let something be and let people settle their own differences. Granted 9/11 was a sad day and should have been delt with properly it is just a shame it wasn't.

  7. I think that we should rebuild what we destroyed.

    However; I think that the people there need to devise their own system to educate themselves and take an interest in their country.

    Soldiers have told me that most of the people they came in contact with were lazy and really didn't have any desire to better themselves.

    I am sure that there are good people there that want to better themselves, all I'm saying is that the soldiers I have talked to didn't meet many of them. These people should be responsible for themselves. They want us to spend mega bucks to help them but they won't help themselves.

    They treat their women like second class citizens and frankly I don't see it getting any better. Men hold hands openly and have relations with each other and really only use women to bear children. This has been done since Roman times. The Romans taught the males to have relations with each other to prevent them from producing offspring. Many men don't even know what to do with a woman. I'm not saying this to be offensive, I am saying this because it is the truth. They need serious help in their moral values.

    My father taught me that they would do everything to help me as long as  I was helping myself. That means that I needed to be working or going to school to try to improve my situation and I would have all the moral support I could handle. If however; I laid on hiny and didn't do anything, forget it. This is how I live my life today. My point is help those that are helping themselves and leave the others behind.

    It's time for us to get out of there as far as I'm concerned, it's time for them to take the reigns and deal with their problems.

  8. I do not think the Americans are responsible for the war in Afghanistan. These people are militant and terroristic and are looking for any excuse to do evil. Maybe we should have finished the job there before going to Iraq, but that was not the case. Now, we have that problem on our hands as well, and hopefully we will succeed there one day, too. Clinton could have solved some ot the conflict, but he wasn't willing to stick his neck out for anything that might cause a controversary for himself. He stood in the middle of the road where it was always safe for him politically.

    Look how long Russia fought with them. All of this is ridiculous and there doesn't seem to be an easy answer. Thank God for our service men and women who know the score and are willing to fight for freedom for all those who are oppressed. And, if Bin Laden is still alive I hope he is brought to justice one day.

  9. Personally I don't know that much about it to really make an informed answer, but if things are going bad there at the present time it is because of things going on inside Afghanistan rather than US influence. Just my view.

  10. Um yes and it's currently in Iraq dear

  11. yes and no. humans did cause the war but no americans did not

  12. It is a mess but history is filled wuth worse messes. Only recently have countries

    Began to organize in more modernly positive fashions. The opposition kills known red cross/cresent members there. How

    Can you seek to blame the US primarily?

  13. i think they at war

  14. No, I do not think America is responsible for the war in Afghanistan.  They provided refuge for our enemies.  Remember 9/11? As to the war in Iraq, we actually freed the Iraq people from a dictator who used biological weapons on their own people. <sigh>  The Middle East has been at war from time beginning and when we leave, they will still be at war in one way or another.  

    When people think life is cheap, there will always be war.  Extreme Muslims who hate anyone and everyone that disagrees with them will always be at war with someone.  America did not make the mess in the Middle East.  We are trying to help those folks who want democracy and freedom.  Think about the women in those countries who are not allowed to drive or go shopping without a male escort.  Think about having to wear covering from head to toe and barely being able to be see where you are going.  Think about a religion that teaches men how to beat their wives.  And then imagine you are rape victim and your own father kills you in a so-called "honor" killing because you disgraced their family. And the rapist goes unpunished. No, America has only tried to help and many of the women in Afghanistan are finally able to work again and go to school again.  Think about who we are fighting for and the good we can do for those who are oppressed by radical groups who hate us, women in general and anyone who is not a Muslim.  

  15. well yes but the only American responsible is George W. Bush.

  16. Umm yes, because back in the soviet days, the soviets wanted to go because they wanted to have oil pipelines go through afghanistan and the americans  didnt want the soviets to have the oil pipelines go through there so in order to ward off the russians they trained the locals there and well they decided to rebel against the americans and they kicked the americans out, and that is how the taliban was created by training local afghanis just for oil. just like in iraq. if u dont believe me just look around on the internet put caspian sea oil afghanistan.

  17. Seriously I wish we didn't help them at all over there, because our guys die, BUT we are American and we are not suppose to take any c**p, so it is necessary.

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