
Ammonia ?

by  |  earlier

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Today in chem class are teacher wanted us to take a small smell of ammonia and i guess by the time it got to me it was shooken up enough and when i got it my eyes went blood shot red and i couldn't breath its been about 4 hours sense that and i still have the nasty ammonia smell in my nose is this normal and will it go away. It was liquid ammonia in a container filled half way so there was a good amount of it in the container.




  1. Yes, that's normal, and it will go away.

    In the future, be more careful when smelling chemicals.  Don't stick your nose in there and suck a bunch in.  And be glad you learned on something fairly harmless.

  2. What did you do, snort some of the liquid?  It sounds unusual that you can still smell it if you only inhaled some of the vapor.

  3. What's your question?
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