
Amphibious Bugroth MK3 combo?

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Why do I feel like I'm the only one who thinks this card is overlooked and underrated? With equips like Axe of Despair, Malevolent Nuzzler, and United We Stand, you can beef up this machine to 4000+ attack. Stacked with boost from Umi or ALO, and Star Boy/Nightmare Penguin, this card is nearly unstoppable, two direct attacks from this card can end the game immediately.

In case no one knows, this card is a water type monster that can attack opponents LP directly as long as Umi is on the field.




  1. well, with out all those equip cards it is to easy killed in battle, heck even in my ocean deck with Gravity bind on the floor the thing keep getting kill or my ocean kept getting nailed makeing the card useless.  the only way it would work is to power it up like you said but the stacking you deck full of equip cards and you won't be playing the game long enough to pull the combo off. and there is the probably of Magical Cylinders or Dimionson Wall, my tornado wall doesn't block trap effects. the best way to make that combo work is either Mage Power or United We Stand. both of them together would be alright too.

  2. good card, but can be better. instead of equipping like 3 cards to it why not get 3 cards that clear your opponent's field, then attach without worrying about anything. lots of cards are better like drillago or even raging flame sprite. Try again...

  3. easily preventable, how would you feel to see all those equipts go to whaste with something like magic cylinder, or sakuretsu armour or malevolent catostraphy???

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