
An underage army girlfriend?

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I'm 16 and my boyfriend is 17 he in-listed a lil over 6 months ago. he already went through basic training. now he is i texas at ranger school. he deploys in3 months. all the sites i go to you need to be 18 to join and i just want someone to talk to about this. its hard to be away from someone you care about. most people don agree with it because I'm 16 and i don't want people to tell me to not do what i want in this situation anymore i just want some advice from someone who might be going through the same thing.




  1. well you can join at 17 but must have parental concent. I'm not sure about ranger school those guys usually have to do a tour before selected to even think about the training, plus he would have to go through AIT too, 6 months isn't enough time. If you still like him then thats really all you need, stick with him until you lose that feeling. who cares what others think. my girl friend is underage and we are both going our seperate ways but still together. shes going to school in 3 days and I leave for bct in a few weeks. I'm already hating it but hey, we'll give it a shot as long as we can. good luck

  2. Your boyfriend is lying big time.

    Yes he can be 17 and join the military with parental consent. BUT , there is no way in he!! he is in ranger school right now. From what i know ( i could be wrong ) like force Recon in the Marine Corps a solider has to be selected to become a ranger, like recon , like SEALS.

    No way a 17 year old is going to ranger school. And the school isn't even in TEXAS !!!

    This guy sounds like a real winner.

  3. Your BF is full of it is he told you he is in Texas for Ranger School. Ranger school is in Georgia at Fort Benning.  Also, it is absolutely FORBIDDEN for anyone under the age of 18 to deploy. So unless he turns 18 in the next 3 months he isn't deploying. His unit might, but he'll be in the Rear Detachment until he does turn 18.

    As for you being his GF, as long as you are 16 you are legal as far the Army is concerned. the age of consent on an Army installation is 16, unless the local Age of Consent is higher (in about half the states th eage of Consent is 18). Since you are 16 he won't get in any trouble by you being his girlfriend.

  4. You can join the military at age 17 with Parental Consent.  

    It is hard to deal with, but it's the role we take on as the military spouse/significant other.  

  5. I dont care how old he is, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) says that 18 is the minimum age of consent. The rule is strictly enforced because of all the countries that feel 14 and younger is old enough to consent to s*x. The UCMJ supercedes the United States Code (USC) for military members. So he can be arrested and jailed for dating you. So keep it quite.

    Oh and he lied. Ranger school is not in Texas. Never has and never will be! But it's not uncommon for soldiers to lie about what they want to be.  It's an honor to some Rangers and offensive to others.

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