
And the unborn says...?

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Hi There! You’ve been expecting me. I hope you’re happy to see me. I’m here for you. We have a long time to be together, so before I tell you how I feel, there are a few things you should know. I love you. No matter what. For all I know is love. I am innocence personified. You may not see it yet, but I am smiling at you. I’ll laugh with you, cry with you, pray for you. Please offer me the same. I’m not sure I want to be here, but here I am.

I hear tell of great difficulties that lay before you. Your days will never be empty again. Nor will your heart. Are you happy to see me? Think about this. Think of the morning dew and the sounds of silence. The sunsets we will share together. The smiles we will bring to each other’s faces. Why are you crying? Are you scared? Well so am I. For right now, all I have is you and I’m sure I can be a handful. I need you to know that I will never be a burden to you. I am a gift to you. I was sent to you especially. We deserve each other.




  1. No, this is not about the "a" word but about life and about motherhood.  A little sappy at times but in the whole, well said.  My compliments.

  2. saweet

  3. That reminds me of this video on abortion I watched:

    'I am the star of my show

    If you do not like what you see

    Will it be curtains for me?'

  4. i loved this poem

    this is very exquisite

    this reminds me of a text message someone sent to my friend about an abortion

  5. I have 2 children and they are HAPPINESS. Without them I have not much to live for. Before them I was a mess. I did whatever. I had no purpose for anything I did.

    I wrote this poem thinking of them.

    "I hate life, and I hate work, but I love you.

    Without life, there would be no you.

    Without work, how would I take care of you?"

    This is not one of my best poems, but it shows how they are my life.

    They are my happiness.

    They take the bitter out of life and make it sweet!

    Thanks for sharing, and thanks for caring!

  6. Its fabulous piece of art. I write once about abortion. But I couldn't write in the poetic mood of Urs. Mine was dry cold articles, urs is  drawing images, and arouses feelings. & that is the way should be followed for such topic.

  7. You' re full of surprises, and this was a nice one, Amen

  8. Beautifully written - I can just see - a little face - saying "Hi There". Too bad that unthinking acts - will produce - a most sacred gift - that will not be wanted.  The old saying comes to mind - "prevention is worth a pound of cure".  By a distinct personification of the "unborn newborn" - I hope more will read this - and associate with it - and gain respect for life produced. Thank you for your presentation ♥

  9. This is astonishing.  I felt a physical reaction to it as I read.  It reads like a love letter, reminding me that life is, indeed, precious. Thank you.

  10. This is an incredibly poignant piece.  But also, please, have compassion for the woman confronted by this awful choice.

    As you know I am a nurse.  When I was a student about 30 yrs ago I sat for 8 long hours at the bedside of an 11 year old in labor.  Finally it was obvious her body was not going to deliver this child and a c-section was performed.  The child-mother was from an abusive background, had been left back in school, she was in the 4th grade.  The 27 year old grandmother had less education than her daughter.  Sometimes there are worse deaths than death and worse sins than abortion.  Personally, for me alone, as a woman,

    I can say I would never have one, but I will defend the right to have one if this is the only option left to a woman.  I will never condemn a woman without walking in her shoes. Abortion is not casual birth control either. And of course birth control methods fail regularly, and there you are again.  Not an easy question until you hear a 11 year old child screaming in labor.

    You got me on my soap box, H.!

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