
And what could THIS be?

by  |  earlier

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I have a bunk bed and i sleep on top. i take an afternoon nap, and when I wake up, i, of course, climb down. and I see something black on the floor. i thought it was a cochroach or some other bug, but it didn't move at all. the light was dimmed (only light in the room was the one from the outside - sun). so i come down and the thing moves about 40 cm in an elbow (let's say the radius was 1.5 m). and stops. ok, i come closer, and i pick it up. it was a leaf. i could swear it wasn't there when I came in the room before the nap. I just checked: window was closed, door closed and wind wasn't blowing outside at all, it was 100% calm. yet, the leaf moved in a parallel line with the door and the window, get it? let's say the first "I" is the door (looked from top), the "!" was the path by which the leaf moved, and the "i" is the window (all looked from top), so the situation was like this: I ! i and if u understand that, you see that the wind couldn't move it at all.explain?




  1. I'm going with everybody else on this one.

  2. Sounds like you probably exhaled while leaning over to pick it up, blowing it around, or perhaps your body movements created enough air movement to waft it around a bit. You probably wouldn't have noticed it when you entered your room to take a nap, being sleepy and not being concerned with little things on the floor.

    Here is also another example of how "paranormal" things tend to happen most when people are going to sleep or waking up.

  3. Your body movements could have caused a down draft, coupled with your eyes not fully focusing yet.

  4. I dont get the I!i, but the movement might be caused by yourself moving. since everything is closed your movement may cause a vacuum effect on anything that is lightweight to cause them to move.

  5. Help us all, a ghost leaf.

  6. You weren't looking for the leaf when you went to bed, of course you didn't see it. It might have even been stuck to your back and fell off when you were climbing up to your bunk. You are moving around, and thus the air is going to move however your body pushes it.

    For the record, the "I!i" doesn't make much sense to me.

  7. This is an example of a person,just waking up.Seeing a leaf move,and trying to turn it into something supernatural.That's how they start.Years from now when this story is told and re-told.Embellished by repetition and added detail.It will be turned into a scary "true" ghost story.When all that happened was a leaf moved.

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