
Andy d**k's mugshot?

by Guest31723  |  earlier

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Has anyone seen how creepy Andy d**k's mugshot is.,2933,383861,00.html

Can you find a creepier mugshot?




  1. Yes, I saw that and was like, "What that really Andy d**k?" HORRIBLE mugshot. This makes other celebrity arrests look like Glamour Shots. Andy d**k has a serious problem. I mean, I've done stupid things before (drunk), but then had to kick my own butt for letting myself act that way. This man however, is in the public eye and he keeps doing the same stuff over and over again! Certainly, this kind of stuff will NOT be good for his career. He is not that big of a celebrity to have this work in reverse. If he gets help, I'm sure the public will forgive him.

  2. Funny maybe, crazy probably but creepier I don't know. Andy d**k is just an a**hole who needs to be locked up, did you ever see him on Jimmy Kimmel when he kept rubbing Ivanka Thrump's leg. God what a creep.
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