
Anger Management Question?

by  |  earlier

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I have a family member who my other family members and I believe should take anger management classes. But he doesn't think he needs to and all that jazz. So do they have classes that my family and I can take about how to deal with our family member who has the anger problem? cause i know they have that for alcoholics...




  1. Yes, there are also a whole lot of excellent books you could buy for your self, your concerned family members and the individual that refuses to see they need help.

  2. i have anger problems. they do have classes. I'm not sure where. when my family first told me i threw a fit and didn't here. but i just asked around and they say in schools and if you look on line and jazz.  

  3. If someone doesn't want to take anger management then they are very hard to persuade.

    You shouldn't have to deal with their anger - They should absolutely learn to mange it.

    Often when family members confront an ill tempered person nicely and highlight how fearful and unhappy they are due to the anger issue it can strike a light bulb in the ill tempered person.

    Often the happiness of family members is enough to persuade someone that they need help.

  4. Nowadays there are classes for everything. I have classes weekly for people who deal with troubled friends, family members, etc.

    It's hard for someone to go to an anger management class without getting in trouble. They just need to realize they need help, and that is just hard to do.

    You need to check your local support groups, check the internet, local newspapers, even you phone book has some support in it.

    Internet research can always help too.  

  5. well they should just do lots of research

    please answer mine;...

  6. I dont think anger  management does anything certainly did not for my sister...exept cost her alot of money...but she is still an angry b*tch

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