
Anger management tips?

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I need some advice, i have a very short fuse! I can't control my temper at all.




  1. seek help

  2. not at all or feel you're in control when you go off?  two very different phenomena.  if not at all, see a therapist before you do something that seriously hurts someone or yourself.

  3. yea so does my boyfriend it got horrible but i told him if he dont control  it im leaving him so now if he gets upset he jus walks away and breath in and out! or what ever! but he's also takin anger classes and i go with him to support him in it but here are some sites below that can help you! or maybe give you some tips to help with your anger!

    you only can help your self if you want to!

    i hoped i helped!!






    last one~

  4. I've also had anger problems especially since the situations I have gone through. But for about the past 2 months I've been trying to improve myself. I listen to relaxing music a lot, and just take the time to sit in a quiet room till i fall asleep and take a nap which is kind of nice haha. Also by being around positive people like family really has helped me get a better grip. Believe it or not even by talking someone about how you feel for like a hour can truely help. Drinking tea is also relaxing. Things that relax you can help control situations more.

  5. I also have a pretty short fuse.  I was even kicked out of court ordered anger management for "being too angry", how that makes sense I dont even know.  But what i do is I try and let things go for about an hour or so and if it still bothers me, I may say something to someone if they did the thing to anger me.  You could even look into an emotions annonymous support group.  That may help too.  If you have insurance, you could talk to your dr about some medication that would help with bipolar.  Im not saying this is your issue, but usually the bipolar meds will help even out your emotions a little.  But if you cant do that, then i would suggest just letting things go for a while and if it bothers you, confront the situation, as calmly as possible and try to put yourself in the receiving end of your anger and see how you would feel.  Also, you could sign up at a gym and 'work-out' your frustrations.  Anger management is not an easy thing to overcome, but it is possible.  Just depends on how bad you want to control it.  For me, it took losing jobs, freedom (jail time) and loss of friends and respect to get me to change my ways.  Good luck, and i know what your going through.
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