
Angles and discus in community tank

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ok i am getting a 50 gallon tropical comunity aquarium

i would like to divide (but still with water flow between the sides) the tank and have a type of fish that would normaly be agressive and eat small schoolers etc

i was thinking maby




whats the minimum size area for these fish

taking into the account that the water flows through the full 50 gallons




  1. It's not necessarily the water flow that is going to be the issue - 50 gallons would be sufficient for a pair of Angels - but they need that whole space, not just the water flow of 50 gallons. They need the room as well.

    Discus fish are definitely not going to work - they have some really specific needs that could not be met in that kind of a set-up.

    If you really want to have a divided tank with community fish on one side and aggressive fish on the other, consider some of the smaller varieites of cichlids for the aggressive side of the tank. There are quite a few out there that would do OK in the 25 gallon swimming room.

    good luck...

  2. 25 gallons (half of that 50) is too small for angels (or discus).

    Angels need a 40 gallon high minimum for a pair, 30 gallon high minimum for 1.

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