
Angry Knotted Persian Cat?

by  |  earlier

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i have a persian cat that keeps going out in the rain and getting herself covered in huge matted areas of fur and big knots. i brush her regularly but she likes to go out in the rain and then roll in mud so she is nearly always covered in knots. normally i have wrap her up in a towel so she can't maul me, but she really doesn't enjoy being trimmed and groomed. i have professional grooming combs, a knot remover and a set of electric trimmers. i was just wondering if anyone knows of anything that might be able to help ease the nightmare which is grooming time? maybe a special sort of trimmer for very fine persian fur? or even a sedative/tranquilizer that is safe for cats and could be used to calm her down whilst i trim off all of the matted areas?





  1. Oh dear, I don't envy you!

    My advice would be to brush her when she's calm and very lightly at first so she gets used to the feel of the brush without it tugging at her skin and doesn't associate it with pain or stress.  Stop when she gets really wound up so she thinks she's in control, and start again when she's calmed down... eventually brushing her to more affect and loosening some of the knots.  Also talking to her in a very soft, reassuring voice will help.

    Perhaps if the knots are that bad, you could take her to the vets and have them remove them so you can start brushing her afresh and knot-free?

    As for preventative measures, I've heard using non-scented talc works well for keeping their fine fur tangle-free.  Put some in your hands and distribute it onto your cat's coat, then brush it out.

    Good luck!

  2. I suggest you keep her inside when it's raining or wet and muddy out. That way you'll be nipping your problem in the bud.

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