
Animal cruelty?

by  |  earlier

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i live in pa and my kids came home from their dads and said "dad is doing stuff to his dog". i asked what kind of stuff and they said he duct tapes its feet together and its mouth and also duct tapes its ears down. he hits it with the belt and punches it really hard in the face. he stomps on its feet with his steel toed boots. the kids said if anyone even raises their hand the dog will hunker down. the dog is also becoming mean. is this consider cruelty in pa? if so how do i report it? i believe the ex got this dog from the humane society.




  1. Yes, don't be frightened, we are informing you on this to just to tell you to be cautious. Yes, this is considered animal cruelty, and yes, you need to contact the police. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT let your ex know you have contacted the authorities, but please contact them RIGHT AWAY, this dog is being SEVERELY MISTREATED.

  2. OMG! that's horrible! I don't know where you are but from what I know,animal cruelty is punishable anywhere.Don't wait to tell someone.He might seriously injure the dog or kill it! PLEASE do something very soon.Alot of people blame the animals for being mean but if they have been abused or neglected,they have a reason to be and they find it hard to trust anyone after what they went through.

  3. Yes it is cruelty! Call the humane society and have your kids tell them what he does to the dog! They will arrest him if they catch him,or will at least take the dog from him.You have to think of your kids,too,and what it is doing to them to see things like this being done to a helpless animal. This is how many serial killers get started,by torturing and killing animals. Call the cops and the humane society asap and let them know of your concerns.

    Edit: Not trying to scare you,but you have to do something.You don't want your kids to turn out like him,do you? And I'm sure you don't want the dog to suffer and possibly be killed,or attack your children? And if your ex is found guilty of cruelty,or found to be a danger to the kids,you won't have to send them there anymore.

  4. yes, this is definitely animal cruelty!! you need to report it to the police. the police will then go to his home and check on the dog. if they find the dog has been harmed in any way, then they will take the dog away and probably give your ex a nice big fine, or possibly jail time -- which he deserves!

    studies have shown that murderers and serial killers often start with harming and killing animals first - that's how they desensitize themselves to violence. it's only a matter of time before your ex starts beating your kids too. not to mention the fact that the more your kids watch your ex beating his dog, the more desensitized to violence they will become.

    for the sake of your children, please call the police.

  5. yes,it is abuse,really it is abuse no matter what state your in,you might report it to the shelter the he got it from,or the ASPCA, or call the cops and ask them what you can do, the dog would be better off in the pound or dead then that,and if he continues the dog might get so fearful,it might turn violent and go after one of your kids,I suggest you act quickly....

    EDIT: don't upset yourself alot,I understand that its scary but,usually serial killers start at a young age torturing animals,I would be more worried about what the kids are picking up from him,they might learn to think thats its ok to do that,but I don't think he is a serial killer,he sounds like the kind of jerk that needs to feel dominant,and the poor dog is his scape goat,but you might want to watch that he never hits your kids,but I don't think he will....just keep an eye on them and tell them to tell you if he ever hits them..... you might want to record them telling you what kind of stuff goes on,that way you'll have a better case for the dog and for a future if you decide you don't want him to see them...

  6. The dog can't speak for itself and can't defend itself, so I guess since you know about it, it'd be your job. Call the local police precent or state police in the vacinty of your ex. Make sure they understand everything that was told to you. They themselves will either visit the house or they should give you a number to call. People make me sick, how can anyone do this to a dog, or any animal?

    EDIT: Your ex need not know that you contact any authorities. Therefore you will not be starting trouble, simply saving the life  of an animal who has no one to help, but you.

  7. Yeah.

    Thats cruelty, in all 50 states.

    Report it.

    Go to the police station, and you can report it there.

  8. You need to call the police or the humane society.  If anything this dog will turn on someone if not your kids.  Unfortunately,  the humane society will have to euthanize the dog, because it would be a danger to adopt out if it cowers when people raise there hand.  Also as a warning in some states the fine for animal abuse can be up to $1500 and a year jail time, on the plus side he will never be able to own another animal again.  This is extremely serious you need to report this.  This dog is now dangerous and will soon turn.

  9. Yes it is cruel, and he should not be anywhere near the dog or your kids.

    This is a big deal. Please look up the PA animal protection service and report him. No animal deserves that abuse.

  10. Yes, it is cruelty in every state.

  11. That's cruel no mater where you are, tell your ex husband to get rid of the dog and if he doesn't report him to the local police wit out tellin him. The dog should NOT have to be put through that.He should not have animals and your kids should not have to see it. If the dog because to aggressive he might attack and you don't want your kids to be there when it happens. Be serious with him and with the situation.
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