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In your opinion, what is the most safe animal. and which is the most misunderstood? this probably sounds like a weird question but do you think humans or animals are better/smarter/watever?




  1. an english bulldog has a big heart. gives great kisses.knows how to play. great with kids. sleeps alot. snores somewhat. a bit gassey. doesn't run out in the street - doesn't really run at all.loyal to anyone with a peanut butter sandwich. does that qualify as safe?

  2. The safest animal would have to be anything without teeth. There isn't really an animal that I could say is the most misunderstood. Humans are smarter in the sense that we can adapt best to the surroundings we have, as well as the fact that we have the best of the brains. But what we have come to lack over the last few generations is survival skills. For example, when the tsunami hit last year how many wild animals died, very, very, few. They are able to sense when something is going to happen, and they run. "Fight or Flight" Theory. Humans have lost the ability to sense when we're in danger, because we've accustomed ourselves to living without needing to. Make your own conclusion who's smarter??

  3. the safest animal? i don't really think there is a safe animal cus any animal can turn on you and attack. as for the most misunderstood i would have to say the pit bull.
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