
Annoying clingy insecure copycat friend!!!?

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what should i do about her? she copies the exact same clothes i wear she has almost every piece of clothing i have (no clue how she finds it).she wears the same perfume same shoes same everything she tries to have the same attitude as me too like im laid back punky tomboyish girl and she used to be a very girly nerd but now she is a nerdy dorky tomboy punk i actually make it cute but she just acts like a copycat bitchh that seems very L*****n!! she talks like me like i say like,omg,lol,and totally alot and now she does and if i pose cute in a picture and put it on myspace the next day she TRIES to look the same way and puts a picture of herself doing the same pose on there.I kinda think she is L*****n she is so close to me always and i feel weird just being really close to a girl in a weird way and she is always begging me to sleep in her bed (I hate sharing beds with girls) and when i do she like hugs me and keeps touching my hair and my back!!! she is very immature and she tries to be hyper like me i have a very bubbly personality and she is so dull but she tries to look like me by talking in this stupid baby voice and saying random c**p i say weird stuff but my other friends think it's funny but they think she is retarded.How do I tell her to ***** off but in a nicer way oh and btw she gets really mad if you try to tell her she's wrong in any way!





  1. Maybe you're their hero.Ain't it nice to be woshiped?

  2. You first have to understand that everything she is doing is from her own insecurity. She really admires you and wants to be you! She sees you as popular, as having all the qualities she doesn't have so she adopts everything you have and claims them for herself. But it is very invasive to you, she has crossed too many personal boundaries by cloning herself into you, and that definitely feels creepy. It's way too intimate, I get that. You have to tell her upfront, there's no other way. She doesn't see anything wrong with what she does so you'll have to be honest, but gentle. Don't tell her what she's doing wrong, just talk about the way it makes you feel, about your point of view. That it really bothers you that she copies what you do, that you feel that it's suffocating you and that you don't want that kind of closeness. If she cannot understand and overreacts (and most probably she will cause she has a problem, you realize that?) then you will have to keep your distance as a friend. Don't hang out with her so much, don't have sleepovers and don't do things that make you uncomfortable. Instead of getting angry with her, just realize she has a problem and take care of yourself.

  3. you said she used to be a nerd, you were probably the first person that was actually nice to her that was kind of cool not a geek etc so she thinks by acting like you everyone will like her also. I appreciate it can be very annoying, when she does poses like you leave her a comment like bi-ach copy me why don't ya loser=P like in a light funny way also do this when you see her and see what she says, if she still doesn't stop maybe try and go shopping with her and put her in different clothes to you like more girly girl and say that really suits her you like that style on her. Say you've become more punky but this suits her better. Is she still doesn't get the hint just say to her your at the end of your tether stop copying her. (also if you have had a drink you could apologise to her the next day and say sorry but it was starting to annoy you and you cant control your mouth when your tipsy!) hope this helps ya=]

  4. confront her and tell her how you feel. she's obviously a follower and doesn't know how to set her own trends. ask her why she does the things she does. if she denies it, then im sorry, theres not much you can do.

    i can't relate to your situation, but i know you don't sound stuck or or s****.. i'd be pretty pissed too.

  5. whether she is a L*****n or not, who knows? But it definitely sounds like she admires you ALOT. It is hard for someone to idolize you so much. Maybe you should try something different. Ask her a bunch of questions about herself...her favorite food, color, movie, anything you can think of; tell her you want to get to know HER more. You could even tell her that the two of you do so many things alike, that you barely feel like you know the REAL her. You can tell her you feel honored that she tries to do so many things to be like you, but it is kind of suffocating to you sometimes. Tell her that what she likes and who she wants to be is important too, and she should be confident enough in herself that she doesn't have to try so hard to be so much like you. Tell her you don't want to hurt her feelings, but it takes away from your individuality and kind of invades your space when she imitates you. Maybe you could suggest playing a game...say "lets give ourselves makeovers, and try to be as different from each other as possible!" You could try doing your hair and makeup differently, and get her to make a decision on what to wear before you, then choose something completely different or out of character for you, then tell her how great it is to her a little bit of HER coming through...get her to focus more on what really interests her (besides YOU)! She sounds like she is trying to make up for something that it missing in her life, and unfortunately she is replacing that something with you. I know she is annoying, and don't feel bad for being honest. It shows you are a good person that you don't want to hurt her feelings, and you are totally justified in feeling she is invading you space a bit. She may not realize exactly what she is doing and probably has no clue how you feel. She probably thinks that you will like her better if she does everything like you, and being honest with her may not be as bad as you fear. Make sure you don't accuse her of doing something that will make her feel like she has done something bad or wrong, but tell her how she makes you feel even though she isn't doing it on purpose. If you try to be kind and positive when you share your feelings, you may end up with a friendship you truly value....I hope it works out well for you...

  6. Just take her to one side and say I can understand you liking a top i have or a pair of trousers I wear but I just feel as though I am unable to be myself as everything I do you also like to do. Just say to her that you just need some space away from her fro a while as you feel that she is trying to involve herself in your life far to much. If that doesn't work then F*ck off maybe your only option.

  7. I had this happen to me with my best friend she copied my clothes and all of a sudden everything that i liked, she liked, everything i wanted to do, she wanted to do(except for the patting your hair and sleeping part that is weird).  I confronted her about it and it got me nowhere, she refused to acknowledge that she was copying me and said it was what she liked.  Eventually I just decided either I accepted her like this as my friend or I stopped being friends with her.  Besides the copying, she was a good friend so I decided to stay friends with her. Now it is years (and years) later and we are still friends and she mostly stopped doing it. Every once in a while she will still do it and I have to say it still bothers me but I try to take it as a complement and move on or just not share certain ideas that I don't want her copying.  

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