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OK I have an issue with this whole Anorexic thing..

Don’t take me the wrong way I know the affects and all the c**p that comes along with this problem..

But people are so naïve to it that it pisses me off When they are totally against it!!! You may agree with me or you maybe like others Call me a everything that makes me not want to eat more. I was looking at questions some young ladies post asking for “TIPS” Or looking for a ANA BUDDY and people just bash at these young girls, Lets set aside the fact that they are looking for a ana buddy or tips But these girls are seeking other girls like them so they won’t feel alone And lets face the fact that people don’t like to be alone. And people leave the most rude replies on these questions or they leave stupid comments

Like go eat some food or tell them to get help Like if the girls are crazy! But its not as easy as people would assume.. Its not that easy. And what pisses me off even more is that everyone is against Girls that are pro ana that they forget about people that over eat and yes that is a Eating disorder, but of a different kind. Why don’t people bash them like they bash pro ana girls?? Like they eat to feel comfort, I don’t eat to feel like I have accomplished Something and that may not be the best example but you know what I mean

So why this deal with pro ana girls when people that are over eat are most Likely to have the same faith as pro ana girls.. and I don’t know if this makes sense And I frankly don’t care about any lectures people might leave me. I know about my own sickness!!! Ok so don’t tell me that I can die.. cause guess what I KNOW Don’t try to be a smart a.s.s with me!

And if you have nothing important to say don’t leave anything.




  1. People look at pro ana as an addition to the problem. You never  (I never have) see people encouraging over eaters to overeat. So, they are looking at it as someone encouraging them to stay sick.

    I don't know if they think that telling that person to go eat a burger is going to make them miraculously realize that ana is dangerous and eat a burger or 3 immediately. But, they are just ignorant, and you can't get rid of ignorant people, so the best thing to do is ignore them.

  2. The reason why people come down on pro-ana people, isn't because we don't think anorexics shouldn't have support or friends! It's because the pro-ana and mia types are supporting them in the WRONG way by perpetuating their illness!

    As for no one bashing anyone for overeating- that has to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!!  How many fat jokes or comments do you hear on a daily basis- from comedians to your friends? That is the last affliction that it's still socially acceptable to make fun of! No racist, g*y jokes- but most people don't stop others from telling fat jokes unless they are fat themselves.  It's sad.

  3. awwwwwwwww lets get a binky for you anorexic fools go stick ur finger down ur throat u emo!

  4. you should take your own advice.  

    we don't care about the lectures you have to give us.

    if you have nothing important to write about, don't.

    this isn't really a question...more of a rant.

    like, a really, like long rant.  like, get it?

  5. It kind of sounds like you are trying to deter the attention on anorexia and say "Look!  Look! Overeating is just as bad!  So what I'm doing is OK!"  It's also not safe to get other people who actually support your destructive disease.  If you want a buddy, it should be someone else who knows what you are going through, and you both combat the disease together.  Pro ana buddies and all these tips make as much sense as the alcoholic mother looking for other alcoholic mothers to find tips on how to hide their drinking from their husband and children and find out what mouthwash makes a great emergency booze when you don't have any bottles of vodka in the home.  It's just very destructive.  Like someone else said, this truly sounds like a case of misery loves company.

  6. People are rude welcome to planet earth. Anorexia is a very real disease with some girls and with others they are just trying to get attention. I battled with bulimia for years.....but I never wanted a mia buddy but I can see why girls would because misery loves company.

  7. if you want an eating disorder you obviously don't know the effects of it that it can have on your body. dying from anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating etc. is probably the least harmful thing that can happen to you. the unfortunate thing is when you end up living with the disease. people who survive anorexia and bulimia often have extreme digestive problems. some have to live the rest of their ADULT LIFE wearing protective undergarments (ie diapers) because their digestive organs function involuntarily. people with compulsive overeating are sometimes left bedridden because of their extreme high weight. not to mention the expensive medical costs that you won't be able to pay, since you can't really have a job when you're in rehab.  if you think that anorexia or *pro ana* will make you seem cool, or glamorous in any way, think again. an eating disorder is a full time disease. which means you don't starve for a day and then eat pizza with your friends the next day. NO. you will lose all your friends, lose your family and people that are important to you. you won't be able to do normal activities because you won't be physically stable, and you will want to avoid food. AN EATING DISORDER IS NOT A SOLUTION. if you are some sort of silly overweight teen who wants to lose 10 pounds for the prom, anorexia is really not the best way to go. instead of the prom you'll land a glamorous spot in the hospital. also, i really highly doubt you have any sort of eating disorder. it is a MENTAL ILLNESS. you cannot catch it, you can't decide one day that you want it. you claiming that you have anorexia is as absurd as someone perfectly healthy waltzing around saying "i have cancer. DON'T JUDGE ME, i know i can die but i need tips to be a better cancer patient. GO CHEMO".  by the way...i can tell you now most if not ALL people suffering with an eating disorder do NOT want to have it. it's a curse, it's truly like going to h**l and back (if you make it) and i wouldn't wish such a terrible thing on anyone, not to mention having some type of Pro Eating disorder club. it's almost heartbreaking to see someone who would wish that kind of harm on themselves, as nobody who truly has an eating disorder would be PROUD of it.

    did you know that to be diagnosed as someone with anorexia, you have to have all the symptoms listed here:

    AND have a Body Mass Index 17.5 or under.

    if you do not have that, you cannot be diagnosed.

    the reason this is because of naive girls such as yourself

    who claim they have eating disorders. then their worried parents rush them to an eating disorder clinic. which means that the people who really need help are refused service. so the 17.5 BMI qualification and or loss of period are needed to truly diagnose someone.

    so in the end, i'm not really sure what you're asking.

    if your trying to tell people you have an "eating disorder"

    and that you're "pro ana" or whatever it is you're trying to accomplish, good luck. the only thing you've really accomplished is lowering your IQ level. so congrats, you've officially made yourself look a little less intelligent. get your facts straight please before you post something like this. it's seriously insulting to anyone who has suffered from the disease.
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