
Another Sudden Betta Death.

by  |  earlier

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I'd only had my betta fish for a few months before he died quite suddenly.

he had developed a case of fin rot a few days beforehand, but nothing particularly drastic. I found him on top of his frilly plant, half-out of the water, entirely lifeless. his gills were open wide, and his head was at an awkward angle. he was also quite stuck to the plant as I tried to remove him.

the only abnormal thing about him was his deteriorating fins. he had also lost a scale about a month earlier.

is it possible that he tangled and suffocated himself in the plant's leaves?

or could it have been a disease, or something else that I was unaware of?

thanks for any help.




  1. does it have a heater

    bettas need heaters

    bettas breath air from the surface and and they don't like high oxygenated water so dont get an airpump

    i think

  2. Where you treating him for fin rot? Fish can die of fin rot if it is left untreated. I doubt he got suck in the plant.

    \Edit:Lack of oxygen is never a problem with bettas because they have a gland at the top of their head that allows them to breath from the air and get oxygen from the air, so they have the ability to live in low oxygenated waters.

  3. Do you have lots of airation and heating in your tank? Betta's must have warth and it sounds like lack of oxygen could be the issue. If you have lots of plants then that should give enough oxygen. It could also have been an ammonia or nitrate spike. Make sure you do regular water changes.

  4. Fin rot is a disease usually caused by poor water conditions.  A betta needs a 5 gallon heated filtered tank to be healthy.


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