
Another cat question....

by  |  earlier

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My cat is female, fixed, and primarily an inside cat. I do let her outside on occasion, but always on a leash. Can she still be going into "Heat" even though she is "fixed"? I catch her outside hanging out with the neighborhood male cats and as I approach, she hisses at me. That makes me unhappy. Are her sexual instincts still in tact after she has been fixed?




  1. She can't go into heat if she's been fixed, they take out all the reproductive organs so 'heat' doesn't happen.

    Your cat is a social animal, cats do spend time with other cats.  If she's stressed or doesn't want to come in right away, then she'll let you know (hissing) but if she's not bothered by the other cats, she is just there socializing with them. s*x isn't going to be on her mind because she's not having her hormone levels being cycled for putting her into season.  She's just wanting some 'cat time' with friends.  The other cats don't have to be male, she'd do this with female cats as well--they like to hang out together occasionally.

  2. I think she's hissing at you because you are denying her the basic freedoms she needs.  Is it not good to give a cat that needs experience, experience?

  3. she shouldn't be...she's probably just a little stressed because she's out with the other cats...

  4. don't know

  5. No they don't bleed anymore but yes she can still have her mating instinct, my cat still does and he is a boy cat and he humps my stuffed animals so yes they can still have their sexual instincts

  6. No. She's like a child she doesnt want you to take her in

  7. who cares? Let the cat do her thing

  8. Yes. They only took out the ovaries, so she cant have kittens but she can still have s*x and like other cats.

  9. Yes ,Just as if u had you're tubes tied ud still have s*x.

  10. they only took her ovaries, not her hormones...

  11. yeah, for some cats being spayed will make a difference, but in your case, it didn't

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