
Another failed month...or not???

by  |  earlier

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Hi,I am TTC I had s*x on my ovulation days and guess what AF showed up right on time,but I had lots of pregnancy symptoms

Heres a few

heartburn never had it before

Migranes never had before

All of sudden ciggs make me sick

How common is a period in early pregnancy?

Thanks in advance

and god bless




  1. I would suggest that you take a pregnancy test if you are not sure.  It is not really common to get your period during pregnancy but I did have a friend that had her period like regular the whole time she was pregnant so it can happen.  Good Luck and Baby Dust!

  2. Hmmm...well I haven't been pregnant yet, unfortunately, but those sound like early pregnancy symptoms.  You said you had AF....was it your normal AF?  If so, it's pretty doubtful that you are pregnant.  If it was shorter/lighter, it's possible.....I would recommend taking a test, just to ease your mind.

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