
Another guinea pig or not?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, well I got a guinea pig a month ago. (July 3rd to be exact.) And he is great! But I've heard it said in books, online, and from people that they are happier with another guinea pig. He's happy and stuff, but we go out a lot and want to give him some company. The thing is, we were going to get two guinea pigs, but he was the only one left at the pet storee and I couldn't see the poor thing in that tiny box thing anymore, so we ended up with 1. I think he'd be really happy with a friend, but he's been used to being by himself for a month now? Do you think he'd feel happier with a new piggie friend? Or, should he just stay on his own because he'll feel like nothing is just his anymore? I wish he could talk, I want another, but I'm mainly wanting to do this for my current guinea pig? Do you think he'll be much happier with a friend? Or will he feel replaced? If anyone has been in this situation, please let me know what the right choice is.




  1. You are correct---guinea pigs should be housed in pairs or larger groups. Having said that, you should find him a same-s*x buddy or a spayed sow.

    Try calling your local animal shelter to see if they have any piggies. Or try a guinea pig rescue in your area. A rescue will help you match your existing boar with another boar that is compatible. You may be able to find a rescue in your area by doing a search on

    See the following link for help with introducing two unrelated boars. With proper introductions, you should have good success. Make sure you read the part about quarantine too. You'll need to scroll down a bit to find the parts on "introductions" and "quarantine".

    If your piggie could talk, he'd be saying, "Get me a friend!!".

    Good luck!  :)

  2. Guinea pigs are very social animals, and they really enjoy having a piggie companion. I think that 1 month has been enough time for your current pig to adjust to his new home, and he probably wants a friend. This isn't completely necessary if you play with him often, but it is very nice. If you do get another pig, make sure that it is also a male piggie (you don't want any mating!) and also make sure that there is enough room in the cage for both pigs so they'll have a comfortable living space.

    Hope this helps!

  3. Definitely get another guinea pig. They are not like dogs who may feel 'replaced' or jealous.

    Males are harder to introduce though. Some males will get on fine, whereas others may fight. I take it your guinea pig is still a baby? He should be OK, whether you get another baby or an adult. Get it soon though, do not wait till he is older. The older they get - the less chance they will get on. Adult and baby pairings do work though.

    Please read this page (edit - oops someone beat me to it lol!)

    Also this page

    Good luck. Hope I've helped.

  4. I have been in this situation, please listen to me I know my stuff. OK, first off time doesn't have anything to do with it and a month isn't bad, I had my first guinea pig alone for a YEAR and he was so depressed until I got him a friend. I defiantly feel that he'd be a lot happier. You have no idea, they become so interactive with you and eachother, they popcorn in happiness and wheek to eachother and purr, animals dont think like us. Bassically he'll just think he's gotten a new friend, or baby. Also some advice, some people may tell you that males don't get a long but this is a common myth so pay no attention to this, I've had five male pairs. They all got along great, even better than some female pairs I've had. I am telling you, it's the best thing for the piggie, and its much more fun for you. Also ^^ Kailee DONT answer if you dont know the answer. It's misleading and selffish as you just try to get your points up.

  5. i have been in this situation with my rabbit. but thats not important. your guinea pig would like a friend i think. in the wild guinea pigs live in large herds, and they love the company of another guinea pig. they comfort each other and usually one will follow the other around everywhere. LOL. just be careful when introducing them and wait until they groom eachother to put them in the same cage

  6. I had my guinea pig for 5 or 6 months before I got my second guinea pig, and just put them in separate cages for a few days and put the cage together let them play in a playpen (while I watched them I never left them by themselves till I knew they weren't gonna fight).  Once they were used to each other I cleaned the cage really good so my older guinea pig didn't get territorial, and then they were fine and now they're best friends!  You should definitely get another guinea pig they'll do fine!  I think he'll be very happy because guinea pigs are social animals, just make sure they're the same gender or spayed or neutered. :)  Good luck!  

  7. ditto justified .. look at her links.  

  8. depends can guinia pigs kill each other?

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