
Another name for grandad?

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Hi all,

Ok my dad, whom I am very close to is soo excied about the birth of my baby, which is due on Nov 26th and his first grandchild!

But (his wrods not mine!) he thinks it makes him cound too old to be called grandad!! HAs anyone any other name suggestions or will i just have to tell him he's grandad!

Mum is fine with grandma/Gran but dad thinks he's too 'cool for grandad'!!





  1. my kids call my father "Popee" and his father (great grammpa) is called "OLD Popee".  wait and see what the child comes up with,,,it is usually very cute and innovative. While my mother was alive she was "MiMi"

    when my cousin had her baby,,her mother felt she was TOO young to be a grandma and could NOT bring her self to even say the word or write it,,,for a long time she was just "G".

  2. Poppa, Pop-Pop, in french it's Pepere (pronounced Pep-ay)

    hope I helped a little...?

  3. gramps, bumpa, grampy, grand, grampa, pop, pa, papa,

    my uncle was called "Pa" by all of his grand kids.

  4. Papa!

  5. I called my grandpa Poppy as a small child and all the other kids in my family called him Papa

  6. Grand-pa

  7. I called mine Grandpea the other papa. Congrats from a mother of 6!

  8. I also called my grandpa, grandpa but when my sister was little she called him Uncle Grandpa lol (didn't understand the relationship), I called my grandma Uncle Debra (mom's stepmom, they were married for like 10 years before I was born, so I've always known her as my grandma). I was like 4 before I realized it.

    My cousins (who are 2 and 7 now) have always called my grandma and grandpa, Mimi and Papa (not sure why). I asked my grandma if she preferred Mimi and she said yes so I started calling her that lol.

    RIP Papa, November 7th, 2007

    Treasure those moments you have, they seem like they will go on forever but they are gone in a instant.

  9. Grumpa    ??

  10. I Call Mine Ayah My Cousin And I Made It Up When We Were Tiny And It Just Stuck. He Used To Come In The Room And Say Hello In A Funny Voice And We Thought He Was Saying Ayah! Haha.

    My Best Friend Calls Her Grandad Bompa... Dont Know Why Haha!

    Or Pa. That's What I Call My Other Grandad

    * _*

  11. that's cute:)  that's how my dad was before the birth of his first grandchild, my daughter.  

    anabelle called her granddad, "Gaga" at first but now it's Granddad.

    what about Pops, Papa, G or G-dad???

    best of luck to you and congrats!

  12. grandaddy poppy grandydad gdad

  13. ummm that's a hard one.  My great grandmother felt the same way so we started calling her "GG" it stands for great grandmother.  Maybe you could make up a silly nickname like that

  14. Papi, PaPa(pronouced PaPah), Grampy, Gramps.  There are tons of them.  What is your fathers heritage?

  15. pop pop. papi. grandaddy

  16. my grandson calls my hubby grangrad hahah but we have been teaching the older terminology of pappa , its easier and so much nicer ,

  17. Pappy is the standard in my family.

  18. Grandpa, and papa

    Because I call my grandfather Papa Luis

  19. in northern ireland we say granda and we say 'granny' for grandma

  20. My kids call my dad.. Pop-Pop. He's good ol Pop. He didn't want to be called Grandpa or Grandad either.

    I think Poppy would be cute too.


    Good Luck and God Bless

  21. I use to call my grandad sloth because he was so slow he loved it, my grandad was older than your dad he was 96

  22. I called my grandad , Papaw . Others have been called PaPa ... ,and I am sure you can find many others . If this is what your dad wants , oblige him , it will not hurt a thing .

  23. my niece couldnt say grandad when she was little, she called him 'pappy' and this his stuck, now all five of them call him this. he doesnt seem to mind.

  24. Pop, Poppy, Papa, Gramps, Granda...

  25. grampa




  26. How about pop-pop? That's what my fam tried to teach my neice to say when she was with my dad. However, she chose to call him "P-pa" for some reason.

    Also, I know that my grandmother on my mom's side was called "Big Mama". So as pimpish as it might sound, you could try "Big Papa" or "Big Daddy". It's southern but it still sounds pimpish for some odd reason. How about "Big Dad" or "Big Pop"? I don't know.

  27. Doubt he'll go for this either but my son really struggled to say Grandad when he was youger and the word closest to it he could come up with was....


    It's stuck and even me and my sister call it him now lol

  28. Try this website, they have A LOT of names! Some of them are a little outrageous, but perhaps you could find something there.

    Good luck!

    And congrats on your pregnancy!

  29. Grandaddy...papa....abuelo....grandpapi.... can call him by his name...or senor granddad...or sir...don and then his name after....for example don fernando or don luis...idk hope it all helps! =)

  30. My mom is a teacher and when I was having my first, the kids in her class ask what the baby was going to call her, and she told them Mrs McGuire, same as all the other kids do!!  But my son had his own name and called her damnma!!  Or my cousin use to call my grandma Fat Grandma, so tell him to pick the name he wants, or your child may come up with on of his own!  You could always teach your child to call him by his first name!!

  31. hey what about poppy? Then the baby can call him pop, pops, pop-pop or whichever.

    (you and i are due on the same day!! Nov 26th!!)

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