
Another question for muslims?

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why do muslims think Quran is the word of god and not bible? What proof do they have. I have read the quran and I found errors,bible to me makes more sense then quran.




  1. Muslims believe in the Torah that was given to all the prophets up to Moses(Peace be upon him), the Scrolls of Abraham(Peace be upon him), the Psalms(Zahoor in Arabic) that was given to Prophet David(peace be upon him), the Bible(Injeel) that was given to Yeshau(peace be upon him), and the Qur'an that was given to prophet Muhammad(Salla Allahu alhai Wa Salaam).  The Muslims believe that mankind corrupted the Injeel, Psalms, Torah and scrolls of Abraham(peace be upon him).  In truth there are MANY books missing from the Injeel and Torah.  This is because the Catholic Church took out the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Gnostic Gospel, and many other ancient texts there were in the original Injeel and Torah.  The Catholic Church basically rewrote the Book of Deumentory, which comes up with all kinds of ways to degrade women, who the ancient Christians and some modern day Christians view as nothing but baby makers and s*x slaves for their husbands.  They contributed lies to Prophet Yeshau(peace be upon him) by claiming that Yeshau(peace be upon him) said he was the "son of God" and "God" at the same time.  This goes against the prophet Yeshau(peace be upon him) and goes against the original teachings of Islam.  Because the first 4 books that God sent to his respected prophets(peace be upon them) were corrupted, ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala) sent down the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad(Salla Allahu alhai Wa Salaam) through the angel Gabriel in the caves of Makkah.  ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala) is protecting the Qur'an from being changed or altered by mankind. The Qur'an is the final testament and the only complete book of ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala).  The Arabic Qur'an has stayed the same for 1500 years and can never be changed or altered by corrupt mankind.

  2. we muslims do believe that bible is god's words, but that's the original bible...with time people have changed some things in the bible thats why we dont believe what's in it anymore.. cause it might not be true...and to prove that bible has been changed if you look at different copies you'll see that there is some differences..however Quran has not been changed it's the exact same thing..there's not more than one version of Quran..

  3. bro scrolls of abraham zaboor turah bible are all books of allah if you don't believe i n them it's up to you jesus moses mohammed are all prophets

    btw what part of the quran doesn't make  sense and you claim it's an error

    maybe i c

  4. wow all the muslims are coming out today

  5. they got the most amazing writers in the world to even try to attempt to write something as beautiful as the quran and no one ever did

    u have to read it in ARABIC and understand it in ARABIC to understand how flawless and perfect it is

    translations are flawed cuz it isnt the exact word of Allah

    its a translated one

    btw the Bible has more flaws than u can count on ur fingers and toes

    there is even quotes n the bible talking about people dying and being punished for their OWN sins, which totally contradicts core christian beliefs of jesus dying for them

    now thats a HUGE flaw

  6. To you be your religion and to me be my religion.

  7. We believe that the Bible is word of God, we just think it has flaws in it because of all the modifications done to it. The proof Quran is word of God and flawless, the Prophet couldn't read or write, and the Quran was revealed to the Prophet. It was truly word of God and a miracle the Quran. The Quran also has not changed in the past 1429 years. So even if it wasn't word of God (which it is), it must be pretty amazing that the Quran hasn't become obsolete in 1400 years.

    Check out this website, you will find it very helpful.

  8. I was once watching peace tv which is a channel all about islam and islam only. There was a muslim and a priest and they were both really into their religion and then there was an audience. The muslim one proved to the priest scientifical errors in the bible and the priest tried to do the same to him but he was proven wrong. He admitted that their were huge errors in the bible and no errors in the quran

  9. The Bible is ****** with contradictions. Mathematical contradictions cannot be logically denied remember.

    Qu'ran has not a single contradiction!

  10. yup i agree with the first 2 answers

  11. The Bible has  more contradictions than the Quran. For example,

    1) According to the Bible, Book of Genesis

    Chapter 1, verses 11-13,

    Vegetation was created on the third day along with seed-bearing grasses, plants and trees; and further on as per verses 14-19, the sun was created on the fourth day. How is it scientifically possible for the vegetation to have appeared without the presence of the sun, as it has been stated in the Bible?

    It also says light is created on the first day where as the source of light 'The Sun' is created on the fourth day. How is this scientifically possible?

    2)According to Bible Fowl has four legs.

    Lev 11:20-21: "All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be an abomination unto you." Fowl do not go upon all four. There has not been any fossils of winged creatures found that has four legs. Insects do not have four feet either.So therefore, it is not very accurate in describing Zoology.

  12. Ohhh

    Muslims belive that all four books are from Allah bible, tourah,Zaboor is the word of Allah.

    And its modified By humans.

    And only Holy Quran is Not modified And it wont be till the last day

    And there is no Error In the Holy Quran.If you found any error in holyQuran which Ayat Which sura Its was.

    There are lots of Enemies of islam that they are searching to find an Error in holly Quran they failed and they can't so who are you that you found error in holy Quran ?

  13. Errors evidence please....?

    LOL no errors in the Bible hold on what is Matthew, luke etc......? Been modified over time I think, no actually I am SURE!

  14. There are no two versions of the Qur'an but there are over 2000 versions of the Bible.  Different books, different passages, the original version no longer exists.

    This is not opinion my brother, but historical fact.

    However, I am curious to know what 'errors' in the Qur'an you've found in your reading.  (emphasis on 'your' reading).  Let me know.

    love for all, hatred for none

  15. what a joke  hahhaaaha ur bible have scientific error  and post a question that ur bible make sense Ur bible is non sense because its wriiten by Luke, mark  or other  s h  i t  

    we believe in gospel of Jesus

    see dr zakir naik and William Campbell   bible and quran in the light of science on youtube dr zakir naik beat the sh i t out of william cambell

  16. Actually the real bible,the angle was the words of God. but it has been edited many time by people!!

  17. May I ask what errors you found? And where have you read or looked up the Qur'an?

    In order for one to understand Qur’an, they should ‘want to’ understand it. They mustn’t quote random verses out of context, or look up ‘Anti-Islamic’ literature on the internet, and as you all know, there’s tons of it! There are (Anti-Islamic) websites that claim there are contradictions in the Qur’an, they quote verses (out of context, or incorrectly) and of course then these appear to be contradictory, especially to those who don’t have thorough knowledge of Qur’an and Arabic. However, if these people did question their own arguments/contradictions and weigh them against historical evidence/facts, then they will no doubt be agreeable with the Qur’an. Little knowledge of Qur’an makes one a skeptic, but an in-depth study of Qur’an makes them a believer in Allah and of course the Glorious Qur’an. Having said that, you will always get a few who will never be agreeable, and even after giving them logical consistent answers, they just won’t agree to disagree. Instead, they will refute your every argument, just for the sake of arguing.

    EDIT: As for proof. Well, there are 1000's of scientific miracles in the Qur'an, however, I won't mention them., But an undeniable miracles of the Quran is its preservation. Since the Quran is a unique book, and Allah himself has promised to guard it, He has also fulfilled his promise in a unique way, such that the preservation of Quran can be demonstrated to all.

    The average Muslim sees the proof of the preservation of the Qur’an once every year, when the entire Qur’an is recited in the prayers of Taraweeh by a Hafiz (one who knows the entire Quran by heart). Most often in the audience there are additional Huffaz (plural of Hafiz) who listen, and occasionally correct the person who is reciting the Qur’an. This is a visible demonstration of two key facts: A: It is possible to memorise the entire Quran cover to cover. B: Although individual memory can be unreliable, collectively the memory of a group of Huffaz is very trustworthy.

    Because of the presence of millions of Huffaz throughout the world, the preservation of the Qur’an AT THIS TIME is completely independent of written copies. Anybody who has experienced Taraweeh can testify that if all written records of the Qur’an were destroyed, we would without any difficulty reconstruct the entire Qur’an by assembling a few Huffaz and asking them to put it together. This is a MIRACLE of the QUR’AN. There is no other book for which this claim can be made. There is no other book for which, continuously throughout the ages, there have been millions of people who have had the entire book in their hearts.

    What is more amazing is that Muslims of different languages are able to memorise the whole Qur'an perfectly even though they do not speak Arabic. I myself can testify this. The Qur'an is not a small book containing few verses. Rather, it is a book containing over 6,000 verses! It is a miracle of the Qur'an that a Hafiz is able to memorise all of these verses in order.

    So if the Qur'an had been altered, tampered with, changed, not the word of God, then memorising of the Qur'an in such a manner, would have been a difficult, if not an impossible task.

  18. Don't know what muslims will say regarding your question, however, the Bible (old and new testament) was written about 700 years earlier than the koran.  Koran was written during the 7th century.  

    Old testament was written 1000 years plus before the koran.  

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