
Another "Falling Elevator" Dream?

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I had another dream about a falling elevator - had one about 2 or three months ago but different than this one. This time, the elevator that went all the way up to the 28th floor, doors did not open, and then it just in free falling. The elevator was full of people, and we were all dressed in evening attire (cocktail dresses, tuxedos, etc.). My husband was with me in this dream. One woman at the opposite corner of the elevator started crying. Then, I started staying the Lord's prayer - out loud. Just as the elevator came to a soft stop, my eyes opened and I was awake, as if I was never dreaming. It was a smooth transition to becoming awake. So weird. Any idea what this is about?




  1. There's definitely a theme going on here. Since elevators are small spaces that can fill up fast, the elevator could symbol an intense emotion--fear maybe, anticipation, something that can trigger a panic attack. Maybe it's merely a form of transportation to your destination, and your journey has its spiritual or emotional ups and downs. The 28th floor being the top? Are you experiencing something that makes you feel like you're on top of the world or you've got control over something in your life? There's probably some type of obstacle keeping you from stepping out and claiming the victory, like it's so close but you just can't grab onto it. That obstacle could be something that's still holding you back, an area you still need to grow in to strengthen your faith. The free falling might be doubt or at least something that's trying to keep your eyes off that very attainable goal (very attainable because it sounds like you're close to it). The other people in the elevator might represent problematic situations or people in your life, little speed bumps that interfere with your journey or little distractions. Or maybe you're feeling crowded by outside demands and you so desperately want to get back on track, but you feel these things need your time and attention. The fact that you're all dressed for a special occasion could just be because of your charity work and the special events you attend. It's also possible they symbolize something a little deeper, some form of uniformity or conformity. Maybe the things in your life that demand your time and attention have a theme running through them. Do you have kids? Say, for example, the theme revolves around your kids (not likely since everyone's dressed up, but bear with me): soccer practice, dance lessons, taking them to their friends' houses, food shopping for the family, taking the kids to buy clothing. Since everyone is dressed up, maybe these distractions are a blessing in disguise, something that is in fact part of your journey to strengthen your faith. Dressing up is a way to stand out but not when everyone in a given situation is dressed up because then it's uniformity or conformity. If you were the only one in the dream dressed down (jeans and t-shirt) that might mean you're trying to stand out or make a point that doesn't agree with everyone else's beliefs/opinions. Maybe those other people are like-minded in their spiritual beliefs and are all trying to reach their spiritual destination. Sorry, this might seem like my mind is going a thousand directions. Just trying to rationalize. You said your husband just came home from being away four days. Maybe that's why he was with you in your dream, but let's dig deeper. He's your other half, part of the two who become one flesh. Husbands are supposed to be providers and protectors and supportive of their wives. Since you're together in your dream that might signify your level of togetherness in your marriage. Maybe you have a strong emotional connection. I don't know you so that's just a guess. He's probably in the dream because he has some significance in your life, whether negative or positive. If, indeed, the elevator represents a place full of believers or at least people in search of God, the lady crying might be represent someone you know who is dealing with something painful in her life, maybe something you can relate to. Or maybe she represents some turmoil or pain in your life that you need healing from. That she took comfort in the Lord's Prayer symbolizes the hope and comfort you find in God. There's probably a part of you deep inside desperately needing the peace and comfort that comes from God alone. Saying the prayer aloud might mean you deal with your problems by talking about them or only talking to God about them. You're taking authority over the situation and asking God to step in. Since the freefalling again ended in a soft landing that might represent a place of peace or decision. Since you woke in a peaceful manner it's very likely you were feeling peace when the elevator landed, like you knew it would land softly, mostly likely from previous experience. The peace in the landing and in your waking might be because you know when all the chaos ends and all the pieces fall into place, you know Whose hands you're in, and you can trust Him.

  2. From what I learned about you from your last dream, that falling elevator represents a type of danger.  It sounded like traveling in the elevator was a normal mode of transportation between floors for you-- and symbolism varies from person to person, culture to culture--  But this travel has the potential to be out of your control; thus the falling.

    In this dream, you're on your way to a social function. Is there a charity you support? Do you think this function was work related?  That might be an important key to this dream. (Since you weren't dreaming that you were going to your office.)

    When you said the Lord's prayer, you found the emergency stop button. I've seen this commonly in my own dreams, and some others too--except I won't be saying the Lord's prayer, I'll simply call on the name of Jesus. I love how you kept your presence of mind, by the way. And your simple prayer saved everyone with you!

    So the lesson behind your dream is when your social life careens out of control, turn to the Lord for help. (Or if you find yourself in a nightmare out of control, the same is true!)


  3. Elevator with full of people= public place, social life

    woman crying = seeking for attention

    Elevator normally symbolizes decision making. In your case, it may suggest that you have some difficulties dealing with issues you can't handle alone.   That is why you project your husband to be there.  Basically, you are seeking for support.  Praying the Lord's prayer added the evidence that you need support.  This woman you projected basically reflects the conscience of your need.  You are feeling helpless in some way and you projected to someone else as if she is in need of help.  Crying is an emotion that tells you about things you need.  You may be seeking for comfort from others even though that person is not.  

    In translation, you are trying to make some decision in your life, and that may be affected by your peer.  Free falling from elevator signifies some obstacles you feel and you are seeking for support to help you make the right decision now.

  4. You could be falling from anywhere, a high rise building, from a mountain, from a plane, or even from your bed. This is a very common dream, and is sometimes accompanied by muscle jerks, which may jolt you, awake.

    The dream can occur due to the posture of a limb dangling off the bed, Lowering of your blood pressure ,Movement of fluid in the middle ear .

    After the fall, you may be hurt, you may be unharmed, or you wake up before you hit the ground.

    At an emotional level the dream probably signifies a fear of fall from position/moral/ethical values, sexual inadequacy, fear of losing your job, the way your dream ends tells you how you would handle such a situation.

    A very common dream action generally symbolic of some basic fear in the dreamer's life, such as fear of a moral lapse, job failure, sexual inadequacy, loss of status, etc.; however, the prophetic meaning of this dream is, strangely, very similar in that it indicates setbacks but modified by the details of its action. If, in your dream, you fell a long distance, you can expect the reverses to be general and fairly severe; however, if you landed without hurting yourself, they will be upsetting but quite temporary. If you hurt yourself, you should be prepared to endure some real hardships for a time. To fall from a medium height signifies a loss of prestige; to fall to the floor (as from a standing or sitting position) is a warning of danger from false friends. If your dream involved others falling, it indicates triumph over enemies; and if you fell but got up again, you will overcome the obstacles in your path. To fall into water means financial stress, but the water factor and condition must also be considered.

    May represent your real life fear of letting go of something or someone. It also may suggest a loss of controlin a situation. Self-inflation is another possibility. Are you above yourself and due a fall?

    Going up and down in the elevator may symbolize going from one state of consciousness to another. Messages from the unconscious may be accessible. Some believe that the elevator may be a symbol of a boring and mechanical s*x life. On a more pragmatic note, the elevator may simply represent the "ups and downs" of life. If you are ascending, then you may perceive your current situation as optimistic and moving upward. If you are descending, you may be experiencing some negativity and helplessness.

    Riding in an elevator means that you are looking for help with a specific problem, or you want to achieve your goals in a hurry without putting much effort into it. Riding up in the elevator means social and professional advancement. Riding down in an elevator means the desire for sexual adventures or your fortunes will decrease

    How your dressed is your true personalities..

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