
Another teen attacked on video?

by  |  earlier

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Isn't this getting a bit ridiculous? Are kids wanting to get famous so bad that they're willing to put their future and reputation at risk? To me, that's stupid.

Here's the link to the story:




  1. I seen that last night on CNN and i think those kids should go to jail.  I am not saying they should get life or anything but come on.  They know what they were doing, and didn't care.  Sites like utube and myspace shouldn't let this stuff go on.  Yea they say please don't put violence on here but really you can.  It will go up till someone flags it.  

    Sorry i got off track there for a sec.....To really answer your question...Yea its unbelievably stupid. I an only 24 and i don't remember kids acting that way when i was young. Now its considered cool to do things like this. I don't get it.

    I just hope they get at least 10 years.. I know it might be harsh but come on, if they just get a slap on the wrist other kids might think its OK to do the same thing.  I hope they got the attention they wanted...Because that's really all they wanted.

  2. Hey to the post above: These bullies are just showing whose boss LOLZERS!! Ithink the video is hilarious, I wish I was that kid giving the beating. In fact I am that kid, I beat up kids at my school everyday and it's so much fun. People that say us bullies are pathetic are just to wimpy to stop us LOLZERS!!

  3. One of my friends last week got jumped by 2 kids one was kicking in his chest the other whaling on his head. Both kids got 2nd degree assault and expelled. I think its ridiculous that they go ahead and post it on myspace for all to see, I mean its a fight wow big deal you know. Immature, but hey you cant stop fights really.

  4. Is'nt it a bit like the "happy slapping" we had a few years ago in the UK? Stupid little kids, they will wind up with a criminal record to put on their CVs

  5. It's just sick mindless idiots bullying other kids because they're so jealous of them! How pathetic. Glad to see the young lady is ok .

  6. they're lucky, at least in america they dont end up dead like in the UK.

    the rate of teenagers being murdered in this country is ridiculous.

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