
Another tricky question in physics??

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please give me some references like: laws of motion.. something like that..=)

There is certain car w/ a velocity of 30km/hr N.

There are two observers.

Observer A is just standing on ground.

Observer B is inside another car w/ the same direction regardless of the speed.

Who among of the two, observes the certain car slower?

answer pls!!=)




  1. observer B observes the car slower.

    This is because of relative velocity. A stands at his place so according to him the speed of the car is 30 km/h. but B moves with a certain speed in the same direction as the concerned car. Thus according to him the speed of the car is less than 30 km/h.

  2. observer B boserves the car slower  due to relative velocity.

    for A the velocity of the car is always 30kmph but as B is moving in the direction on the car the velocity of the car for B will be always less. it can be explained by vector sum of velocity of the bodies.

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