
Answer me if you can?

by  |  earlier

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one bus conductor purposely didn't blew his whistle to stop the bus when a lady wanted to board the bus and she succumbed to her injuries, conductor was taken to court and there he was given death sentence, he was electrocuted with electric chair, but he didn't die.. as he cannot be electrocuted again as per law he was let free

another time the same conductor again purposely did the same mistake of not stopping the bus after seeing an old man trying to climb the bus thing, taken to court and given the same sentence...

to everyone's surprise, this time also he didn't die, again he was set free.

Third time he remembered his mistake and after seeing the lady running, he blew his whistle to stop the bus. but driver didn't listen. This time also same thing happened.Remembering about previous happenings court decided that the mistake was his and again ordered to be electrocuted

But alas.... this time the conductor died on the spot...

Do you know why?

correct answer will get 10 points( First correct answer)




  1. Because he was not the driver of the third bus he blew the whistle for the driver or else you just got your sentence wrong

  2. After proving himself to be a poor conductor in the first two cases(therefore he didn't die when electrocuted), he finally blew his whistle, thus showing that he was now a good conductor and vulnerable to the juice in the chair

  3. because when they first invented the electric chair it was used on horses and this guy got sent to jail and said that he was ready to be hung and they said no lets try the electric chair and then they used it with the same amount of power and he did not die so they doubled the electricity and his skin caught on fire (true story)

  4. he had become a better conductor?..LOL

  5. God gave him three chances to do the right thing. The first 2 times he didn't and when God gave him that one more chance and he did the right thing, he died.  

  6. Because he was previously electrocuted.  

  7. he is the driver

  8. God waited for him to correct his mistake?

  9. something to the effect of the conducting line being closed on the third go-round and him taking the shock due to being non-conductive...

    Wishing the question was better worded and made more sense...

  10. he was the driver

  11. Because the first two times he was a "bad conductor"!

  12. Third times a charm?

    When he fixed his mistake, then he'd be able to die.
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