
Anti Homeschoolers????

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Why are you prejudice to homeschoolers??????

Why do you not like homeschool??

How many homeschooled kids have you Personally met and talked to for more then 5 minutes?

Please Explain your answers.




  1. I think the reason people don't like homeschool, is because public school is about being social...its about being around friends and with people....I think at home most people don't get to socialize as much

  2. .1.well i dont hate them its just most that i have met are antisocial and a little out there.

    2.most act really strange/ low confidence and self esteem

    3. at least 10

  3. I am 13.. I have homeschooled all the way up to 7th grade..and in 7th grade this year, I just got all A+'s on my report card =)

  4. I have nothing personal against home schooled children. I think there are circumstances that make home school a very good option and some children will actually benefit from this. There are however negatives to it as there is in every situation/choice. Some home school children lack socialisation this is a fact (researched). However there are other forms of socialising other than school you just need to stay well connected.

    i have a cousin who was home schooled, definitely lacked social experience. Just now at aged 30 has made friends outside the Internet and is in his first relationship.

  5. I am against it because they are lazy, and I think its funny because home schoolers dont know anyone.

  6. I'm not against it, its just hard to understand the social part of it, how someone could stay at home to go to school. I know there are things that homeschooled kids do normally, like I'm sure they have friends, but it can't be the same...

    I know a girl who came to the public school system from homeschooling. It would be hard to be around your family all the time....

  7. I home-schooled my two children now 21 and 24 all their lives and most of the argument I always hear is, " they are so isolated." Well, "North" said it fine, they do have friends, the ones that THEY pick. They only are in school in the morning and then for three to four hours. The rest of the time they are doing something they like, sports, hobbies, reading. Some like to get ahead on their work. That is why you see them so far ahead. They can go as far as they motive that they have to work hard. We used A.C.E. Accelerated Christian Education, it was great. I also used Abeka, and Saxon Math, Liberty Baptist Curriculum. Abeka has a wonderful video home-school program it was just too expensive for us. Bob Jones has a good curriculum that is strong on English. It is advanced. ACE is the easiest to use.

    We had no TV and no video games, no computers until high school. I encouraged outside adventures. My kids had friends and they played tennis at a tennis academy once a week. They went to church and helped with kids that were less fortunate than themselves. They learned to cook, iron and take care of their own clothes at a young age, they learned to be responsible with their money. They could give a great answer to a adult and explain why they believed something was so. They felt secure and knew their place in this life. They had parents that loved them and gave them the time they so needed as a child. They were never afraid to come to us for help or comfort.

    They always tell us now how much they appreciate what we did for them in how we raised them.

    People that do not like home-school really do not know the truth about it. They have heard some isolated cases of neglect, and there are some. I know some personally and it is not good. Most home-schooled kids are far above the Public School child. You have your honor students in Public School but those honor students, most of them have parents that are very involved with their lives and care and devote time into their children. I am close friends with a eight grade teacher, he just got his Masters degree and he tells me all the time about the kids and their parents.

    I am so glad I home-schooled the rewards are worth every sacrifice and every effort.

  8. I was homeschooled this year. *groans* I HATED it!

    I think most people think homeschoolers are stuck up and preppy. And that they don't do any work. I know homeschooled people like that. (That don't do any work, I mean.)

    Most people think homeschooled kids have a "don't-talk-to-me-I'm-better-than-you" kind of vibe. I know I think that.

  9. well, when people are home schooled, usually they dont get that socail aspect that alows them to cowaperate with people in there life later on, especally in offices, 2 is that there is no real standard for teach were as in a public school people have to learn the same content and everone is at the same lvl, because people who are home schooled some times are because the parents cant afford school, so they dont really learn what they are sopposed to know

  10. Homeschooing is fine for elementary grades, marginal for middle school, and deficient for high school: at high school level: you need teachers who are educated in the subject matter, and have experience teaching it.  No parent can do a satisfactory job of instructing chemistry by trying to keep a few pages ahead of the student -- and no parent will be expert in chemistry, physics, biology, English, a foreign language, music, and shop practice.  Nor will a home have the physical plant facilities to teach all of these disciplines.  Furthermore, the social interaction of a general school is essential for people to gain experience in dealing with others.

  11. Omigosh...I can't believe the continual, stereotypical "social" regurgitation that goes on here.  If you aren't either a homeschooled kid or a homeschooling parent, you really have no idea.  The social argument is just what people bring up when they don't fully understand the issue but want to have something against it.  Not only are my kids two grade levels ahead, they only have to "school" in the morning.  While other kids are sitting in a classroom, bored, with twenty nine kids they don't even like, my kids are at field trips, play arrangements, workshops, sports, music, swimming, volunteering, hikes and gym days with children they've actually chosen to be friends with.  I, personally, know hundreds of homeschoolers.  In my opinion, they're kids.  They can be cool, nerdy, weird, sophisticated, popular, shy, geeky, brainy, suave, emo or preppy, just like any kid in any school.  We've all heard somebody say "I knew a homeschooler at camp, last summer, and she was so rude and weird and s****. and's because she's homeschooled".  You can't know one homeschool kid and pass that judgement on all homeschooled kids any more than I can say that all school kids are rude or s****. or geeky because they're in school.

  12. jessie and kuhnem, you both have misspelled words in your complaints about homeschooling.  

    oh, the irony!

  13. One of the answers said: "well i dont know much about it, but i dont think i would want my kid to be honeschooled. The thing that bothers me about it is that they are missing out on so much that schools have to offer... making friends, discovering new talents, learning how to socialize with their peers, how to cope with authority figures. I jsut think schools can teach kids a lot more than just academics.."

    That is totally opposite of what my home schooled kids experience.  What a total misconception.  My kids actually get to do more, develop more talents, have more "good" friends, are taught values and how to behave around authority figures.  They know how to socialize with people of all ages.  Think about that one, they will not be talking to only people of their own age for the rest of their lives.  They also get to work at their own pace in their school work, which means my son can work at his math until he gets it, or go faster and work ahead.

    Most people who are against homeschooling just don't the truth about it.

  14. I wonder if you might have heard John and Jeff on the radio. They're pretty bigotted toward home-schooling. I'm not, but I can understand some concern, especially if what's taught borders on insane religious doctrine.

  15. If a child is homeschooled then there should be someone there to supervise their work. The child should not be left to their own devices while the parents go to work or sleep or whatever these lazy people do. The child ends up getting in trouble because they are practically abandoned.

    The (more than ten) homeschoolers I know have atrocious spelling and grammer and some can't do the simplest math equations.

    But I will not generalize and say ALL home schooled children are like this, just the majority of the ones I have known.

  16. well i dont know much about it, but i dont think i would want my kid to be honeschooled. The thing that bothers me about it is that they are missing out on so much that schools have to offer... making friends, discovering new talents, learning how to socialize with their peers, how to cope with authority figures. I jsut think schools can teach kids a lot more than just academics..

    but hey if you want to homeschool thats fine, thats just my opinion

  17. There's a difference in being social. And having friends, and a life.

    Why I don't like homeschool?

    It's a big problem in my life, and it's ruined alot of things in my life.

    How many homeschooled kids have you Personally met and talked to for more then 5 minutes?

    Many! In acting you meet alot of homeschoolers. All of them are great educated kids. Lacked in social skills.

    But most homeschoolers are smart, and can be more social. But I just know, and hate it because of what it's done to my life.
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