
Anti depressants.... make you happy???

by Guest21567  |  earlier

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I just wanted to know how anti-depressants work, I know they change the chemicals in the brain and all.. but do they really make you feel happy?????

Can they help you overcome a sudden sadness you indulge into? Do they do get you out of your sadness(misery) by inducing sleep?

Any safe ( i think they are not safe ) anti-depressants you can mention??




  1. Antidepressants are a group of psychoactive drug used for alleviating major depression or dysthymia. Drug groups known as MAOIs, tricyclics, and SSRIs are particularly associated with the term. These medications are now amongst the drugs most commonly prescribed by psychiatrists and as well as other physicians, and their effectiveness and adverse effects are the subject of many studies and competing claims. Nutrients for which there are claims of antidepressant activity include phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, hydroxytryptophan, and choline.

    Most antidepressants have a delayed onset of action and are usually taken over the course of weeks, months, or years. They are generally considered distinct from stimulants, and drugs used for an immediate euphoric effect only are not generally considered antidepressants. Despite the name, antidepressants are often used in the treatment of other conditions, including anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, and chronic pain. Some have also become known as lifestyle drugs or "mood brighteners". Other medications not known as antidepressants, including antipsychotics in low doses and benzodiazepines, are also widely used to manage depression.

    The most common antidepressants used are SSRIs. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a family of antidepressants considered to be the current standard of drug treatment. It is thought that one cause of depression is an inadequate amount of serotonin, a chemical used in the brain to transmit signals between neurons. SSRIs are said to work by preventing the reuptake of serotonin by the presynaptic neuron, thus maintaining higher levels of the "happy chemical" in the synapse.

  2. Anti-depressants can prove fatal and also make you chemically dependent.  Somehow, you must understand that joy and sorrow are a part of life.  Nobody is exempt.  God will help you, and the sorrow and sadness your are experiencing for a sudden even must run its course.  

    Weeping may endure for a night-- but joy comes in the morning! -- Toni D.  

  3. Good anti-depressant:Marijuana it'll make u happier of life and a safe anti-depressant that has never killed anyone.

  4. happiness does not come through medicines ,

  5. no they don't make you happy, they balance out the chemicals in your brain making your emotional reactions to things more rational. It is normal to feel sadness as it is a normal and important human emotion, and people on antidepressants still experience this emotion. Depression is a medical condition caused by chemical imbalances in the brain and it is not safe to use antidepressants just because you are sad, that's not what depression is. Only use antidepressants if you have been diagnosed by a doctor with depression and given a prescription for them.

  6. i have been on anti depressants n not afraid to say. they dont make u happy as such, they just help change ur attitude to some emotions, like i used to get quite upset if i thot about stuff n then get angry but now wen i think about it i just go "meh who cares". the tablets i was on was fluxetine (i think thts how its spelt) and they were safe, they sumtimes have a side effect tht makes u feel worse but thats in very rare occasions. i got really tired sumtimes wen i was on them but i didnt mind coz i got a good nights sleep haha instead of sittin up worrying about things.

  7. When you get depressed you get a chemical unbalance in your  brain  

    this is what gives you mode swings and makes you sad, feeling    good,

    feeling to good, then the mode swings start over.The Anti depressants get your brain back in balance. You ask if it                               makes

    me feel good yes as long as i don't have the mode swings I'm happy

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