
Antibacterial soap opinion?

by  |  earlier

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I'm of the opinion that antibacterial soaps are not good for us. My reason? All soaps kill and slough off the bacteria on our hands and body. But anti bacterial soap prevents the growth of bacteria. But in essence we are also preventing the growth of our normal flora-bacterial that is good for our bodies. The normal flora is really our first line of defense for disease prevention. Prevent it from growing aren't we lowering our defenses to the the bad germs?

Please weigh in your opinion. Thanks




  1. I agree with you 100%.  :)

  2. No it's not the same as anti biotics making them resistant.

    You over-reacted. You can't blame a random thing for getting ill. You said you had did it for a COUPLE of weeks, then you blame getting sick at some point on the fancy soap? Interesting.

    Who cares really. You are an adult, all that immune system mumbo junbo happens when you are younger.

    You're  paranoid but whatever makes you happy.

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