
Antivirus xp 2008. removed still problems?

by  |  earlier

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i got this virus and i'm pretty sure i removed it all in safe mode. i fixed the background and screensaver but it still redirects me on the internet when i try to go to a website from google to fix my computer. if i directly try to load a site it doesn't connect.

does anyone know how to fix my browser?

and if you don't know what i'm talking about dont give me links to adware/spyware programs it won't let me visit them.




  1. Try  It's the best AV avaiable, however it's not one of the "popular" ones and most viruses don't block the site...  It's worth a try at least.

    You can also try booting to safe mode with networking ...  maybe you can get there in safe mode...  Also, antivirusxp should be able to be removed with malware bytes anti-malware from

    You could also try downloading hijackthis if you can get to  Watch out what you choose to "fix" with hijackthis, as most of the stuff it reports is SUPPOSED to be there... you'll have to judge for yourself, but it DOES backup the stuff it removes... Just be careful with it.  Pay special attention to the sections with LSP and BHO... many trojans start themselves there, BUT there are also legitimate BHO and LSP entries.

  2. Antivirus XP 2008 is a suspect anti-spyware application that have a set of features which do not work, and produces false positives which may goad the user into purchasing the application. Antivirus XP 2008 show various pop-up advertisements and fake security messages, which may disturb your work and slow down computer performance. Antivirus XP 2008 is a clone of XP Antivirus fake antispyware. It is recomended to remove Antivirus XP 2008 from your computer.  

  3. You should download all three of these programs as they are free a pack a powerful punch to get rid of any virus.



    SmitFraudFix (optional, but run it just in case)

    Great, install these and run in SAFE MODE! I can't stress that enough. I f you do not, the virus will block your attempt to remove it. Be sure to run all of these at the same time and don't restart until all three are done. Hope this helps! It worked for m, and i had over 200 different malwares.

  4. AntivirusXP2008 (or Antivirus XP 2008, AntiVirXP08, AntivirusXP 2008, Antivirus2008XP) is a new rogue antispyware program. AntivirusXP2008 rogue antispyware (or you can call it XPAntivirus2008) is a latest clone of Xp Antivirus, XPAntivirus2008, Antivirus2008, Antivirus 2008 rogue programs. Antivirus XP 2008, or Xp Antivirus, uses fake warning popups, fake security alerts to scare and trick user into buying a "full" version of AntivirusXP2008. Users can get AntivirusXP2008 infection from a Trojan (usually it can be Trojan Zlob) or fake video codec’s. AntivirusXP2008 will launch every time when user starts up Windows and it is going to generate million of annoying popups that are very difficult to close. Users should delete AntivirusXP2008 as soon as possible from their computer system to prevent damage to their privacy or data!

  5. The thing you must do is disable your sysyem rstore then remove it reboot and reinable your system restore because the Virus reanamates it'self through you system restre and without it it cant

  6. Smitfraudfix.exe might fix that problem for you.  And/Or

    I suggest going to

    They have good info there, and people that can help you find out what infections you may still have on there.  Also realize that if you had one or may have more than just the ones you think you have.

    You may try changing your homepage, clear your history, and clear your cookies as well.

    Check out ATF Cleaner.  And CCleaner too.

    Also use Superantispyware and AVG.

    IF you got to bleepingcomputer you can use hijackthis and post your log on there and they can help you out.

  7. try running your antivirus in safe mode. if that doesn't work

    you may also want to try searching your control panel for a certain virus that was redirecting any google related searches.  Go to start> control panel> add/remove programs and uninstall this program: XoftSpySE

    if that doesn't work, try posting your logfile using hijackthis on sites like  if you don't know how to use hijackthis to create a logfile here's some steps

    Please download HJTsetup.exe from this link to your desktop.

    Doubleclick on the HJTsetup.exe icon on your desktop.

    By default it will install to C:\Program Files\Hijack This.

    Continue to click "next" in the setup dialogue boxes until you get to the "Select Addition Tasks" dialogue.

    Put a check by "Create a desktop icon" then click "Next" again.

    Continue to follow the rest of the prompts from there.

    At the final dialogue box click "Finish" and it will launch Hijack This.

    Click on the "Do a system scan and save a logfile" button. It will scan and the log should open in notepad.

    Click on "Edit > Select All" then click on "Edit > Copy" to copy the entire contents of the log and post on a thread on

  8. Go to this link for instructions.

  9. Hello.  Glad to answer your question.

    The best and pretty much only way to extinguish a virus or any other kinda threat on your computer is to Fully reformat your hard drive and re install your operating system.

    ** Remember to back up your files if you do this!

    After you do that make sure to IMMEDIATLEY get a good internet security program.

    I HIGHLY! Recommend Windows Live OneCare.  You can get it free for 90!! Days with NO limitations here:

    You should also chose a good antispyware program (even though WL onecare has one!) to run alongside your antivirus.  I use and recommend Webroot antispyware.

    I hope I have helped you.

    ★Good Luck! If You need any additional Help Feel free to Email me directly via my profile page -Eric.™

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