
Ants with wings? please helppp?

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in my bedroom i sometimes eat food but i usually bring it downstairs. well my dresser is really crowded and behind it at around nine i always notice about fiev winged ants just crwling around. i squish them but have no idea where they're coming from. i can't use ant killer because i have a cat who lives in my room and cant leave it. what should i do? and how did they get in? and why do they have wings?

thank you :)




  1. well the ants with wing can be termites atrackted to the wood from your dresser.and they can come from an open window or some type of crack in the wall do you notice a trail?

  2. Ants with wings are normal. They usually crawl in probably from your window. I've had the same issue... Its usually normal to have them here, cuz I mean its summer, and they're bugs so yah. I dont know how you can prevent them from coming into your room. Maybe, vaccuum a bit of excess food u spilled or something.

  3. Use a mix of cinnamon and sugar. The ants will pick up the sugar, along with the cinnamon, and take it back to their queen. Ants can’t digest cinnamon and once the queen dies from not being able to digest the cinnamon the colony will die without her.

  4. There are other insects that look like ants that have wings.  Ants only have wings when the males and females emerge in the spring(the farther north you live the later they emerge). So unless you are in Canada or Alaska it is likely another insect.  It is next to impossible to exclude insects from a house.  Newer homes are built "tighter" to save energy so they do a better job but insects are resourceful and find their way in.  I might be better able to solve your problem if I knew what insect it was.  If you could take a photo concentrating on the face and antenna.  Phone photos are rarely clear enough to see much.  Also include as much location information, state, in city or country etc.  Is it possible your cat has marked behind your dresser,  that would attract flies.

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